Stories tagged short-story

The Party

11291129 views33 comments33 favs

Mike poured vermouth over his Campari and ice. “Gotta say, you have the most amazing view up here.” “Thanks. It's great when I'm washing dishes.” “Yeah, and the view in your front room isn't bad either. This cocktail …

Tree voices (revised)

10951095 views99 comments66 favs



4848 views44 comments44 favs

There is one particular dog, she's one of those hot dog ones, and fast too.

Night Wreck

18131813 views44 comments44 favs

You were watching TV when it began. That much is obvious, since you have always watched TV on Thursday nights, and Thursday was when it began for everyone in Polisville. Around 11 PM, a train on its way to a Nevada landfill jumped the tracks. It's a secure landfill, and the…

Blurred Windows

5959 views22 comments22 favs

The only sounds the boy made were brief, and loud.


10191019 views44 comments33 favs

A story about convincing people to do things they don't want to do, written entirely in dialogue; originally published by CHEAP POP.


13021302 views55 comments44 favs

While space and time opened up for us, the ground accelerated its attempts to devour the astronaut. Grasses grew up around his edges. Seeds propagated in the folds of his suit, tendrils found their way into the mysterious holes for the missing hoses that

A bollocks of a symbolic gesture

352352 views66 comments33 favs

Dead folk don't wake up desperate for a wee, which reassured me somewhat, despite the fact I couldn't move, couldn't see and must've gone completely deaf, since I couldn't hear a thing. So, not dead. Just buried alive. In which case it hardly mattered…

Anonymous Hackers

11641164 views22 comments00 favs

A university student who triggers a flash mob in the heart of Silicon Valley to prove her hacking creds finds herself in deep trouble when the colorful members of Anonymous Hackers prove their hacking creds to her.

Forks, Knives, Spoons, So On

270270 views2020 comments1616 favs

There is a small gap between the kitchen sink and the wall. I’ve dropped, over time, all our forks down there. They cannot be retrieved. We eat with our hands now.


972972 views22 comments11 fav

His voice isn't familiar but his words are. He says he knows we haven't spoken in years and apologizes for it. I can hear him pacing on the other end of the line, tapping things and then a shriek of glass shattering. Really, I tell him, no need to…

Ten Tequila Shots

14661466 views22 comments22 favs

After sprouting boobs and a vagina before her sixteenth birthday, a girl watches her divorced father fall from parental grace by drinking ten tequila shots and baring it all for the neighbors to see on his birthday.

The Famous Heart

582582 views11 comment11 fav

"But Rickety, I've been at the rehearsals and I know all the steps," says Lucidity. And Rickety takes an ax and chops off her left foot.

Mugabe Western

904904 views66 comments55 favs

They were self-contained, two nymphs in a photo booth. Maria wanted something different—love to spread across her face like a wide smile, a certain grace. Sometimes she had found love like that at parties.

Carmen Rental

920920 views44 comments44 favs

But in 1991 Carmen developed a heroin habit and was forced to sell her powder blue, convertible Mercedes 500SL...