Stories tagged sex

Jesus Wept

32693269 views99 comments88 favs

When my husband died, I was in bed with his brother. Ricky and I had been married six years, three months and two days when his little brother, Ben, and I gave in to the lust that just would not go away in spite of our prayers and tears.

To My Love

334334 views66 comments11 fav

When the moon turned red, I searched for you all over the house, and broke every lock. I ran all over the city, and the earth shook under my feet. I smashed every door with a crowbar, and shot men and dogs. The cops fired at me, but I was impervious to pa

Gansevoort Ridge

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Raymond Hunter killed a man in Mexico. It was long ago—before Commander Zero took up arms in Chiapas. Before the Shah had been run off the Peacock Throne. Before even the young Hearst heiress had been retired for good and all from the tabloids. And it t

Frankie's Girl

12491249 views22 comments00 favs

Frankie's girl had a habit of making any guy she walked past turn his head and lose his entire train of thought-we all knew it. Frankie was the only one who asked her out to have lasted long enough and worked hard enough to the point of putting a ring on


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This isn’t the first time he’s mentioned his cancer. Three times, he’s had it. Survived them all. He’s grateful, he says. So grateful.

The Wayward Entropy of Libido Jones

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I'm sitting at my desk trying to think of conversation starters leading to the inevitable episode of mediocre sex, and a two week period of darkness.

Responses to a writing prompt on story structure, filled out moments after learning of my girlfriend's affair

18751875 views88 comments22 favs

1. Main character: Promiscuous girlfriend. 2. Main character's goal: Wants to have a lot of sex. 3. Obstacle: Has boyfriend. 4. Character's idea of a solution to the goal: Cheats on boyfriend.


705705 views33 comments11 fav

The box was large enough to hold a refrigerator. Or a child's coffin.

Having the Boys to Tea

11571157 views11 comment00 favs

And my word! Wouldn’t you know it, in two shakes of a jiffy they have shucked off all their clothes and are butt naked right here in my den. I don’t have to wonder what Mother would say if she could see them here. “Keep the noise down, boys!” I ha

Man Running From A Bar

140140 views00 comments00 favs

A man alone in his paid-for living room, with his hands folded behind his head A man running from a bar, a bald man seen from behind Someone who made a wide circle to avoid your laughter A man undressing at the side of the road saying: “How you


14251425 views55 comments22 favs

Hooking up.

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, Chapter 4

9797 views00 comments00 favs

I put on my one suit to impress the landlord. I made up a story that I was a trust-funder and Allison was my newly-wed wife and we had just arrived in California to start a relaxed life of luxury and yachting. We didn’t need to work because of this stea

Assorted Moments of Moral Ambiguity from the World of Gay Porn

10751075 views33 comments11 fav

Leonard can wait no longer. Finally, he asks Darren if he enjoys pornography. Well, more accurately, he types the question. Click, click, click. Wait, wait, wait.

How The Sixties Ended: or, The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 2

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While we were drinking that warm beer from Golden, Colorado, a girlfriend of Allison’s strode into the house, saying, “Okay, Janov, tomorrow’s your trial. So, what are we going to do about it?” Everybody called this girl Creamcheese. “Your tr

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 2

7373 views00 comments00 favs

The next day was my faculty trial, and things grew real intense around the campus of that little college. A large crowd of students began to gather around the base of the building that housed the administrative offices, where my hearing was being held. Th