Stories tagged philosophy

I Will Never Be Happy

18631863 views33 comments33 favs

The woman’s face bulges on one side to signify that she is eating.

Robert Kennedy Remembered by Jean Baudrillard

31363136 views66 comments44 favs

K is eating a banana. He says to me, "There is no end in the sense that God is dead, or history is dead. I would prefer not to play the role of a thoroughly useless prophet. I leave that to others, like Gene McCarthy."

McCloud & Bridey's Time Machine

2020 views22 comments00 favs

Not only was there movement in the heavens but amongst the static things cemented to the structure of the earth. Bridey described the shadows in their circling, constant, day and night circling, like expanded or foreshortened ghosts of real things.


172172 views1010 comments11 fav

Dozens of candles still burned in red glass votives next to a window on the west wall. These lit a glow into the portraiture of the nativity etched into the stained glass.

Life of the Mind

16411641 views33 comments44 favs

Days went by as I stood in the woods waiting for a tree to fall, and when none did, I determined the universe is cold and indifferent and that man’s only hope is to buy wood chippers.

Universal Theory #1: The 3-Step Secret to a Good Life

12201220 views66 comments22 favs

1. Think up problems that don’t exist 2. Realize, suddenly, that they don’t exist 3. Elation


14081408 views22 comments00 favs

We all have friends that would drop everything to save us. It’s the times we don’t need help that they’re not nearly as attentive.


11591159 views55 comments00 favs

At 25...

Movies and Songs

11941194 views00 comments00 favs

But I am quite sure, in my loneliness, there is nothing that aches inside me more, than a desire to persist.

it's just death, so what

6565 views1111 comments77 favs

Unfortunately, there is nothing to be done about the coupling of tombstones. First of all, their copulations are deafening — how they grunt and sigh! — and secondly, the sparks spewing from the friction — blue, green, yellow, and purple - ignite fires


10581058 views22 comments00 favs

Just thinking aloud, really. And by aloud, I mean typing for someone to read haha.


10891089 views22 comments11 fav

most interesting, i investigate all of this at 1:15 on a thursday morning and consistently contradict my assumptions while simultaneously validating them.


13211321 views33 comments22 favs

“Emerald Leaf Borers, Dutch Elm Disease and Gypsy Moths blow through here like the Plagues of Egypt,” said Rafe, sipping from his glass of Parallel 44 wine. “You'd think we'd get more than a few days of good weather for all the parasites we feed.” …

John & Jackie

12281228 views00 comments00 favs

By the time I learned how much I loved my family, I was 3 years and eight-hundred miles away from them

We are the rising

15281528 views33 comments00 favs

I’m sick of you headless muffuckas searching for a facelift.