Stories tagged murder

Family First

937937 views33 comments11 fav

“Don’t do this Jack. You are better than this.” He pleaded. My lips curled, “Maybe I am, but you’re not.” I spat. I lifted up his delicate frame and threw him back against the wall of his office. I watched as his head bounced off the decorative brick

Five Million Yen: Chapter 23

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Detective-Sergeant Claude Mulvihill sat in his squad car, which was parked on 54th Street in front of Bright Star Recording Studios. He had just finished the second of two jelly donuts and was spiking his coffee with three packets of sugar.

Room # 23

828828 views44 comments00 favs

She stood for a moment to think about what happened inside. She had just killed her husband of twenty three years.

The Catch

986986 views33 comments33 favs

His granddaughter, Ivy, sat on his knee looking at an old photo album she found under the couch during one of her afternoon explorations. She made him wipe off the dust and cobwebs before he took her through all the pictures, per normal protocol. The albu

Ain't No Friend of Mime

103103 views00 comments00 favs

McGrady met me at the bottom of the stairs outside the complex. He had a fresh pack of nails, pulling away at the cellophane with nervous fingers. He took one out and offered the newly open box. I waved off, reminding him I was nearly a year into redempti

The End of Fun and Games

11711171 views11 comment11 fav

A procession of our somber youth— stoned and stunned and broken beyond repair—viewed the boy carved of putty. The mortician painted him stuffed him, presented him to us, the semi-living.

The Unwelcome: Chapter 1

216216 views00 comments00 favs

Whatever that meant, however such a thing could have happened, the house, the place, the whole property...did have that feeling: remote and silent, austere as a tomb of the unknown.

Swashbuckling in the Dark: Prologue

107107 views33 comments00 favs

The night sky was scorched red with fire; the once peaceful night now had become a living nightmare. At first, it had been the distant booming of cannon fire, but now the terrified screams tore through the night. Louder still was the ringing in my head and the sound of…

Death of an Eikaiwa

10381038 views33 comments22 favs

When I rolled him under the bed, I thought I would sweep him out later with arms curled up like legs beneath the shells of cicadas I used to gather from the laundry porch and set on the kitchen counter to scare my roommates. At least, I did that until…

Into The Night

755755 views22 comments11 fav

Under a conspiratorial moon… the shovel my silent partner… organ-less torso to the worms.

The Unwelcome: Chapter 2

192192 views00 comments00 favs

"I was alone on the driveway in the middle of the darkening woods."

Five Million Yen: Chapter 39

994994 views00 comments11 fav

Ben followed Jean-Claude’s white Fiat. Every time Ben shifted gears, he was reminded of Arris’s punch.

Night Raid

730730 views22 comments00 favs

The president snapped awake at three AM. He realized he was a serial killer. Highly trained and equipped killers on his orders were summarily murdering thousands of raggedly dressed people in the name of Democracy.

Iago’s Revenge

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He laid low during daylight and ran the river during the pre-dawn and twilight hours on swift currents from mountain snowmelt. There was plenty of food and water to sustain him along the way. After six days on the river he pulled out and hid the stolen boat in…

Game Night

978978 views00 comments00 favs

Randy stood in the alley behind Krasnowski Construction with a loaded gun shoved down the front of his pants. His friend Todd was inside, unloading the safe. And when Todd walked out the door, Randy was going to shoot him in the face.