Stories tagged lyrics

I Heard You Liked the Back Seat Too, Honey

2626 views00 comments00 favs

I heard you liked the back seat too, Honey I heard that you liked to hear me coo Well, I was just like you But then I started feeling kinda funny And I pulled my own heart apart Sniffing at its neck like you used to do And now I don’t know a

You Can Keep the Keys: Song

996996 views44 comments33 favs

Here’s the keys to the house Here’s the keys to the car I’m going out and I don’t care I’m going out to buy a cigar Don’t bother locking up after I leave I’m not coming back anymore I’m going to drink whiskey out of a jar Go out and buy

Long Walks On the Beach: Song

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I don’t like long walks on the beach Or sand between my toes Jellyfish stinging my butt Saltwater up my nose I don’t like long lingering glances But I sure like fancy pantses And, oh yeah, a bum without a bottle Is like a car without a th

My Belgian Waffle-Hound: Song

10351035 views44 comments33 favs

I was walking my Belgian Waffle-Hound Past the Belgian waffle shop I found a penny on the ground And did a tiny little hop I spun around and went inside The Belgian waffle shop And bought a little waffle For my Belgian Waffle-Hound

Long Walks On the Beach: Song

653653 views11 comment11 fav

I don’t like long walks on the beach Or sand between my toes Jellyfish stinging my butt Saltwater up my nose I don’t like long lingering glances But I sure like fancy pantses And yes, a bum without a bottle Is like a car without a throttl

Going Commando

676676 views11 comment11 fav

I have the fear of comedy I have the laughter of war I have the need of a commando To come sack and ransack us Over and over again, O I am a pillow, a rock, an ant A soft Southern deer in the headlights I have the mask of Anonymity Lyi

He Sure Can Play Piano with Those Giant Lobster Hands

816816 views22 comments22 favs

He sure can play piano With those giant lobster hands In his ratty raccoon coat And his old black cowboy hat His boots of Spanish leather And face like sultry weather His raspy croaking voice Picking out the words so choice They reall

My Hillbilly's Got a Hole In It

879879 views44 comments33 favs

My hillbilly’s got a hole in it And I think I’m gonna die I swear you can see right through him Got a big hole in his side I think I pulled the trigger On the truth gun at my side Then it just got bigger It started getting wide He tried

It's Legal Here

898898 views33 comments22 favs

You may think it's illegal Well, you'd be wrong, ya hear? Cause you're just in the wrong Neck of the woods And it's legal here Want some beer? Yeah, that's right It's legal here Don't go opening the door Any wider, I know You don't

Until We See Again

847847 views33 comments33 favs

I saw a big dog By the side of the road I saw a small deer By the side of the road A little maroon water in a glass As I was driving home Under darkness With the wind that was under a rose New blood will fill the earth And we must lo

Bacon, Beer, and Bloody Marys

8383 views11 comment11 fav

On Sunday mornings I don’t eat dairy Just bacon, beer, and Bloody Marys I’d rather grab a pool stick and a beer I saw you riding with him In his old pickup truck I meant to say good riddance But I just said good luck

You Can Spank Me, It's Okay

6767 views11 comment11 fav

It’s okay, you can take me home and spank me My bad, my bad, you can go ahead and thank me Cause I may have been a bad, bad boy You’ll be glad to know, O boy I know how bad you wanted to hear those words Falling from my lips like little bir

It Mighta Coulda Been Me

1414 views00 comments00 favs

I don’t know who ran down your old pet skunk I admit last night I was a little drunk So it sorta mighta coulda been me Yep it mighta coulda been me I didn’t really like him all that much And he kinda sorta, well, he kinda stunk

Dead Ringer

5151 views00 comments00 favs

I’m on the toilet writing “Dead Ringer” When the doorbell rings And there’s no one there Except a bluebird that sings Like my mother long gone Which all at once turns into a tiny woman Sitting on a limb Smiling down at me And she’s sin

Flash In the Pan; Song

3333 views00 comments00 favs

He needs to stay away from you Cause you’re his deadly poison You’re his snake hanging from the tree In the nightly garden Only his face is breaking up You can’t see him anymore Cause when you walked into the room He slipped right out the