13 0 1
Damion was not this skin and bones saint. He was not the ascetic he carved himself out to be. He did not exist in a vacuum consuming and being consumed by only art. He was not all these things. And he was not always so painfully sober.
10 0 0
I liked one best when he threw off his scarecrow shackles and joked, pinching my knees I liked the other one when he was sincere though it was rare certainty I crushed his heart without a care so I deserve the hollow hold Even though I swore…
1113 4 2
One day, every girl I’ve ever slept with showed up on my lawn.
98 12 9
Niki and I agreed that it wasn’t a burden at all being partly divine.
40 0 0
His money isn’t just dirty. It’s filthy dirty. If I married him, I would be living on blood money.
139 7 5
Lightning seldom passes / Over lovers and heartbeats are pre-counted.
341 40 12
Now is not the time to get into it.
1283 3 2
... her hair spills like spinach all the way down to her backpack, the top pocket where the bowl and the cinnamon estrange themselves from the coffee.
118 22 18
Your husband falls asleep on films which do not make him laugh.
955 2 0
it’s okay, you can come inside me
955 0 0
“I’m a sucker for a good first sentence but I won’t dismiss the whole work based on a bad one. Besides, anybody with an MFA can write a decent first sentence. You can’t judge the whole work based on that.”
1234 6 2
I took a lover on Ibiza either because he was clean-smelling or because he had a hotel room and there were none to be had.
1036 3 1
Though his heart aches
his melody seems to flow
It creeps into the dreams
of all in slumber in the valley below
1139 4 4
Once or twice, it was only once or twice. Three times, if I really count. And I wasn't giving or loving. And my self stayed hidden and I kept most of my clothes on.
1067 6 4
"...she's been seeming like she's been dreaming while awake lately..."