Stories tagged love

A Love Letter to Norwich, England

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The number 25 double-decker bus threads its way through the narrow two-lane streets. Coughing and burping without a hint of embarrassment, it carries us from the train station, with its cheerful round clockface and neat front of red brick, over the weepin

Walking To Gibraltar, Chapter 14: In Which 500 Fucking Words Appear

915915 views22 comments11 fav

This was before the cancer, years before. He did this every day: up at five, before Astrid and Max. Four cups of coffee in the machine. A bowl of granola. Five hundred words. Five hundred words no matter goddamn what. Five hundred words on Sunday and Chri

i found this.

10631063 views00 comments00 favs

Home is where my parents live and my relatives visit.

Walking To Gibraltar, Chapter 15: In Which The Damage Is Contained

763763 views00 comments00 favs

He stood sopping in front of the mirror, dripping onto the limp puddle of clothing on the floor. He needed a haircut. He needed a shave. He needed to get rid of the two-fucking-inch white hair inside the helix of his right ear. He plucked it—and all the h

To an Old Flame Who Sends Me Poems

553553 views3636 comments2222 favs

it’s a shame what passes for art these days


981981 views22 comments11 fav

these three remainders you, me and her are the legacy of simple math and boolean logic, not so much

Banana Snake

3434 views44 comments22 favs

Each boy held a stick, nudging at something at their feet. Yuudai moved toward them, the burned grasses crunching like a cow eating heartily.

Common Password Profile Users: God, Love, Lust, Money, and Private

1212312123 views6666 comments2828 favs

She leans to see fresh bruises in dawn's early light.


126126 views4646 comments2222 favs

Years later, I found a map in my brother’s lonely apartment in L.A. “Bury me here,” he instructed in a scrawl on a map he had drawn of Woodlawn Cemetery.


16241624 views1717 comments1010 favs

Trent’s had many phases: Madonna, Bette, leather, water sports, rollerblading, haiku, chicken queen, rice queen, muscle queen, daddy. But religion? This is new.

Bus Ride

17481748 views2222 comments1313 favs

Pretty boy looks over at me and grins, got a smoke?


16711671 views3737 comments2020 favs

Make cartography with your mouth...

Six Ways to Say Butterfly

11811181 views22 comments11 fav

He repeated these six words like a prayer. His only confession.

Just for Fun on Valentine's Day: Veggie Love

3434 views1515 comments55 favs

Tonight she was on a date with Peel who wore a string celery tie, admired her vines, opened leaves, complimented her fresh lettuce wrap. Never mind that if her date stood sideways, he was an exclamation point, a comma, a question.


121121 views3030 comments2121 favs

Lucinda was born with red lipstick.