Drape me with silk
lustrous as the line of my thigh,
feed me oysters
champagne lapped, finger napped,
cream whipped
to fill my hollows.
Make cartography with your mouth,
move mountains with your fingers,
tongue highways down my belly
moan your prayers
hush in my ear you are done
with her,
hope these offerings will
unfurl my heart.
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58 words
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Inspired by the 52-250 Flash a Year Challenge theme: passwords.
Not really sure where this came from.I guess I was pondering how no one can really ever own another, but how we go through life trying to unlock each other's secrets. The image of a lotus flower came to me, slowly opening. Funny, but I found this little factoid AFTER writing the poem: In Asian cultures the lotus flower signifies the values of sexual purity and non-attachment.
In honor of V-Day. Peace...
Wow Linda! Love it! *
Wow from me, too!
Sometimes there are no words that feel right to say except it's special and really really good
This was so vivid and sensual. "Make cartography with your mouth" --yum. The whole poem makes for great foreplay and begs to be declared by candlelight--not just recited or read.
Words escape me, breath fills me. *
Well now -
"Make cartography with your mouth,
move mountains with your fingers,
tongue highways down my belly
moan your prayers"
- those lines are amazing. Great piece, Linda.
I enjoy your poetic treatment of a complex relationship:
'hush in my ear you are done / with her'
Until the next time.
This is beautiful. Raw and delicious. *
All, thank you for reading and commenting and (Lordy!)faving on LOTUS. I am always honored when you take the time. Peace...
This is so lovely and sensual, Linda. Like everyone, I am so taken with "make cartography of your mouth" and also, the unfurling heart. Great. *
Wonderful backstory told in so few, luscious words.•
Lovely lovely lovely. (Second what Kathy says.) And love the title - perfect fit. *
Now you tell me.
A fine poem crafted with great skill. *
Gives me the chills, in a good way. *
wow. love this so much!
Kathy, thank you so much -- I appreciate the generous comment and the fave! Peace...
JP, thank you for the luscious comment! Peace...
Jack, thank you! I had fun with this one ;^) Peace...
Kim, thank you for reading and the fave -- I always appreciate your taking the time to read my words. Peace...
Meg, thank you! Peace...
"hush in my ear you are done / with her,"
Deft line break! A whole novel in two lines, particularly in the suspended time between those lines. Well done, Linda.
sensual and spiritual, like an eros driven prayer...yes, on what Bill says.
"moan your prayers / hush in my ear you are done"
The words starting those 2 lines hold the entirety of place where this poem turns *
(loved hearing the title "found" you, and the epiphany came later)
Bill, so happy you liked my line break -- and my poem! Thank you so much for reading. peace...
Doug, thank you for the generous read and fave on LOTUS. I love when my subconscious turns me in a particular direction while writing, then finding out later that 'gut feeling' is validated through fact. peace...
Terrific! *
Great poem. Sensual, powerful and so well crafted.
Jim, thank you so much for reading and the fave! peace...
Gloria, I especially appreciate your generous comments and fave of LOTUS. Peace...
Left a comment for you at the challenge site but let me just repeat:loved this!
DP, thank you for your generous read and comment on LOYUS! Peace...
Not sure how this one slipped by me. Anyway, great poem, Linda!
Christian, thanks so much for the generous read and fave on LOTUS! Peace...
The feelings evoked here are raw, the work so polished. I love especially how the sentimentality is kept at bay, despite the sensuous or romantic images, and "the hush in my ear you are done
with her" sets the piece spinning in an unexpected, underscored and cinematic direction. Really terrific!*
Cherise, thank you so muc for reading and faving LOTUS. 'Raw', I like that descriptor, right next to 'polished'. You made my day, girl -- thank you! Peace...
Petal-gentle with sprinkles of love! Nice, Linda!
Ajay, thank you for the love sprinkles on LOTUS--much appreciated! Peace...