Stories tagged love

Lips unsealed

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They had a vague idea of how lips were to be used. Lips that parted feverishly, lips that burned. Lips - old, but still amateur. It was no wonder, considering that 'boys from good families' would never dream of even looking at a woman, let alone kiss her!

A Walk in the Dark

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Eleanor smiled, knowing it was too dark for him to see it. “I am not out here by choice, having both faculties to think and the will to use them,” she said, coolly. “While I do not wish to meet these infamous replies, it is illogical to stand in one sp

The Leg

13661366 views3131 comments1111 favs

They all looked for Vic's leg after the accident.

Descent to Fern and Moss

66 views00 comments00 favs

Our bodies tender heat in darkness, damp with sweat to oil each stroke in slow caress; beyond our glow the buried deliquesce. We are the flame held captive in the lamp.

Arasoi Chuugi

13221322 views11 comment11 fav

"We regret the inconvenience. Due to hijack activity, we have orders to secure this flight. Please remain seated. We will be landing shortly. Thank you for your cooperation."

a love unfulfilled

886886 views11 comment11 fav

It's the dreamy air that will send you off to your death


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I'm waiting for your voice. My trembling hand is so damp the phone could slip from my fragile grasp at any moment. Each ring burns in my ear and makes the washing machine in my stomach tumble faster and faster. After three rings, or it could be four, or forty, I hear…


975975 views11 comment00 favs

Talking to Shakespeare by the riverside, I am saddened by my lust for women, how my eyes fixate on the spit that passes from top to bottom lip as they talk to me.

Bride and Groom

12211221 views1616 comments77 favs

He wears an old black tux, shiny at the elbows, and his gray hair has been styled and sprayed into a fragile tornado. On his lap sits a Chihuahua wearing a bridal outfit—veil and all.

Walking to Gibraltar, Chapter 13: In Which Dr. Cowboy Rides Again

877877 views00 comments00 favs

Frank sat next to her on the gurney and squeezed her hand. "You're going to be okay, Astrid. You're going to wake and it's going to be over and you're going to be okay." "You don't know that," she said.


12681268 views00 comments00 favs

Every time Hector left his home he wondered if it was for the last time. It was Monday at 2:45, so he was standing in the bedroom near the tall mirror, staring into his dark eyes. In the past, she would lovingly help him dress with her tiny, perfect fingers. She…

Wednesday Afternoon

835835 views88 comments55 favs

A pebble jettisons against the living room window. Marnella looks out. No one is there. Still, uneasiness gnaws inside her.

Solar Plexus

7272 views1313 comments99 favs

It’s always something that cloud nine kind of thing, ruby shoes and ecstasy

just like James Taylor

11301130 views1313 comments44 favs

tell me about the time you lived in Carolina, and what my smile does for you.

I Follow

10281028 views00 comments00 favs

Her shoes, left uninhibited below, seem sad but understanding, and she is so in love with something, which makes me so in love with the idea of her.