Stories tagged love

Kissing Cobras

11371137 views00 comments00 favs

She administers the alkaloids slowly, soaking the muscles in blight, the body tissue beneath into corrosion.

The Ace

6464 views1111 comments66 favs

...pull a punch with meaning.

The Boy and the Rest of His Life

864864 views00 comments00 favs

Many men ran about, some retreating fully and others digging in along side of me. Some of them without a shirt or helmet, but all with blood shot eyes. My brothers and I dug in hard and set our sights on our enemies.


13501350 views1717 comments1010 favs

Every Thursday, around 11 am, right after the cemetery where I work receives the daily shipment of cremated remains to be interred, a frail nonagenarian steps out of the driver's seat of his Lincoln Continental and walks, unassisted, up a flight of twenty granite steps,…


11841184 views00 comments00 favs

For you – because you deserve more effort


835835 views00 comments00 favs

She looked out the window. It was raining. “Better than snow” she told herself. She didn’t mind traveling. It was good to travel once in a while. By road, when someone else was driving. Like now, on the bus back home. It gave you time to reflect, re

Falling In Love Again

12131213 views88 comments55 favs

Marv felt a stirring. Warmth in his gut. "Maybe we should get together," Marv said.

Game Night

7474 views1212 comments55 favs

I play poker with these guys on Tuesdays. Most of them are parents; smoking, drinking, holding kids under arms, talking politics.

Into the Mirror

966966 views22 comments00 favs

Her eyes still fixed on him as if to whisper her concerns of fidelity.

What People Do With Their Hands

11421142 views33 comments33 favs

I said, “If this rose doesn't grow another petal in twenty minutes, I'm burning down the neighborhood.” “Just let it go,” said Paul. “No,” I said. “That's what's happening right here.” “You'll try again next…


903903 views11 comment00 favs

My name is Jeremy, and I am in love with a zombie.

About a shredded silk stockings & main erogenous zone of all women.

501501 views1010 comments33 favs

”How many lowers have you had? Why are you still single? “... Gentlemen should not ask these questions and ladies should not answer... the deepest woman`s erogenous zone: Why didn`t anyone tell me this before?...

Mama Ana's Apartment, In Washington Heights

315315 views11 comment11 fav

The clang of the police-lock supporting The door, bids us our welcome,

Marcia's birthday party

984984 views00 comments00 favs

Her friend was a performance artist who gave Marcia a framed picture of her vagina, made with menstrual blood. At least that’s what she told everyone.


11541154 views66 comments22 favs

After she died, clearing out her safe deposit box at the local bank, I found more numberplates.