Stories tagged greed

i wouldn't give two cents for somebody to love.

10781078 views66 comments11 fav

money ain't nothin next to lovin.

Going the Way of the Dodo

10601060 views66 comments22 favs

her expressive sigh releasing. Sated. The last of our kind, evolving flightless we remain on the ground, culling through corpulent consumption.

Paul Steven Stone Goes Topless

950950 views22 comments11 fav

Breaking News: Noted local writer and very minor celebrity Paul Steven Stone joined a growing list of talentless wannabes to bare skin and a hint of nipple in a shameless attempt to draw attention to his current blog posting. When asked how far he would g

Billionaire* Consternation - a play in three acts

13641364 views55 comments55 favs

Is it you with that fucking gold and platinum yacht?!?

cuneus + forma

10541054 views00 comments00 favs

the warnings we fear are the selfsame ones of ourselves of our vertical need to be first to the heights redoubling its intractable charm of production— our inheritance.

The Dog

9393 views77 comments11 fav

Carl finished his beer, burped, crushed the aluminum can on the floor with his foot. “Oop, now we’re outta beer.” “Alright, let’s send the dog.” They did. They sent the dog. The first time Luther trotted down the sidewalk. The next time, Henry let t

Halloween Hangover

15571557 views1414 comments1313 favs

Did someone say BOO?

The Musk of Civilization

674674 views88 comments88 favs

He bought his zillion-dollar megaphone,