He grew red-faced at her quiet words, "I'm pregnant."
She left her husband for the hog.
If the photographs made sounds, they would rumble like static from an impending thunderstorm, pressed between the pages of a yellowing dictionary. Compressed sound, searching for the proper words.
Thank you for submitting your epic poem I, I, I for consideration. While we are encouraged that you have relented from the ruthless self-endictment you affected so unconvincingly in your previous entry, Why Am I...
She was intimately acquainted with automobiles having boffed a number of dealers, mostly purveyors of high end-marques. They seemed to have better technique than Chevy and Ford people.
I’m going to stop there, before the darkness sets in.
She buried her secrets in a bowl of brownie mix....
Flash’s hackles stood brushlike but he kept his head bowed just enough beneath the bigger dog’s stare to delay the inevitable fight. Flash, Mal thought approvingly, would pick the time and place.
On a corkboard in the entryway of the Leetonia Shurfine Market a curling handwritten sign said Room for Rent. Kitchen Living Room Laundry Privlages. $65 Weekly.
“All these things I will give you, if you fall down and worship me,” Father turns to him.
You’re ridiculous. Time travel is impossible, Steven.
Stealing an apple or a kohlrabi walking past a fruit stall was child’s play but this was armed robbery. Prison, not reform school.
You can see the humped black rocks, majestic with that poetic looking surf around them just fine from up here, so most folks never even go down the stairs. They snap one, two, three shots and pile back into their cars and head south for the Trees of Myste
"Mark, please talk normal. That earnest tone in your voice sounds stupid and self-important."