Stories tagged flash

An Old Peach

12211221 views00 comments00 favs

Allen would stroll the remains of the orchard, reminiscing with Tad, flirting with dementia.

Punk Rock Girls

304304 views33 comments33 favs

Here and there, paper boats smeared with ketchup drift against a tide of brochures: PETA, Planned Parenthood, Greenpeace, while we rage: a joyful storm surge threatening the levy of bouncers.

Bye-bye Love

12341234 views11 comment11 fav

Barbie wore only her clear pink heels...


158158 views3131 comments2525 favs

My neighbors are building another snowdick. “You guys got this down,” I say. “The veining, and all- It’s very impressive. I hope you’re documenting, of course?”


341341 views1010 comments1111 favs

'You be Batman, I'll be the Batmobile - skid me round tight corners, drive me up the wall.'

1968: What I Wanted

12521252 views1010 comments66 favs

Her smile dazzled me from across the room.

A Perfect Woman

4141 views33 comments22 favs

Oxygen catches in her throat, but anyway, she breathes.

The Majesty of the Infinite

10801080 views00 comments00 favs

The other night at work, some kid was in for swallowing a snail's shell. He was nine and, according to the computer, did not have cognitive insufficiency. That last bit was probably put there to make us all not feel guilty about laughing at him.

Alternate Timelines

13071307 views00 comments00 favs

Physicists say that a tremendous amount of energy has to be generated in order to rip through space-time, to jump to another place, and at this time, we're incapable of doing it. I have to disagree. They've never met my brain. I fear it's going to kill me

Triptych: Glass, Miasma, Pernicious

123123 views2020 comments88 favs

Lingering fragrance of skunk and spunk while coffee percolates.

Mount Vernon

4242 views11 comment00 favs

I'm driving to a job interview at Mount Vernon. Yes, that's right -- working in the gift shop.

Second Only in Faith

11 view00 comments00 favs

“Were you in the process of self-pleasure?”

Blue Crabs

989989 views22 comments00 favs

The perfect murder, and it’s not even murder.

Mirko's Morning

11571157 views55 comments55 favs

"Your loss," she cackled, stumbled to the bed in the corner, hummed a tuneless song, and began snoring, too.

Man on the Run

145145 views1010 comments99 favs

I’m sure they remember everything, the others who were there. That day will ride with them like a dark and unwanted passenger.