Stories tagged flash

Loving Pussy

216216 views11 comment00 favs

Pussy responded to that thought by unfurling a little, peeking out of her ... hiding place, pulses beating to the rhythm of her heart...


20482048 views2929 comments1414 favs

But home won.


12521252 views77 comments22 favs

Fingers of angry red welts crossed his face and neck.

Driving Lessons

7171 views22 comments00 favs

Time moved sequentially, and all her time was accounted for...

Too Much Information

10111011 views44 comments00 favs

He couldn’t dredge up a single memory about the sex.

Space Pentagon Arlington Kandor

4242 views22 comments00 favs

The General had family, a big house, big cars, big stars and bars over his big pumping heart. He liked to sail his boat on the Potomac, smoke hand-wrapped Cuban cigars while watching the sunset a fiery orange. But he was always one for the big plan.

Wasted Years

6666 views33 comments11 fav

I plucked at an invisible Steve Harris bass, Mike pounded at phantom skins imitating Nicko McBrain, and Brian wailed his best mock Bruce Dickinson tenor. We couldn’t wait--Maiden in three days.

Grace Note

14181418 views55 comments33 favs

At James’ funeral, Edward recalled the Brooklyn night in James’ Chevy.


10391039 views55 comments22 favs

The increasingly furrowed lines on his forehead made her stomach clench.

A Way of Life

14381438 views22 comments00 favs

Nothing more savory than gossip relayed in confidential tones.


7777 views1616 comments1212 favs

Sadie’s Diner screams across the night sky.


119119 views1616 comments1010 favs

On her blog, Faiza tried to document the explosions and what she thought they meant in terms of frequency, sound and proximity. She gave up, instead detailed what was going on inside the house.


12911291 views1313 comments77 favs

You are a space-walker and a time-traveler...

Little Shut-Eye

8888 views1818 comments88 favs

...with all those stab wounds no way I'm betting on her odds...

Why God was Vovka`s follower

517517 views1919 comments77 favs

Stalin and sex. These S&S were taboo. We knew nothing about. Paradox... no-one can answer ... (190 words)