Stories tagged flash


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Snails roam the sofa, mount its curlicue-d arms and surface: golden snails, mustard-coloured, ink-black. Snails ring my wrists and earlobes, clattering like jewellery.


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I tell my wife that for just $36 you can buy a year’s supply of bananas to feed one rat. Or you can buy a “love nest” for a breeding pair of rats.

Minerva Gets Pierced by Love

25862586 views1111 comments66 favs

Minerva one night had a change of plans, for Mr. Wright knocked on her door in the form of a potbellied perv with a Vaseline mustache.


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Freedom comes with a price


4141 views1111 comments55 favs

She grips my hand, the softest one ever, says, let's go, always conscious of her public presence, afraid her parents will see us together.

Though the Heart be Still as Loving

13771377 views22 comments11 fav

With my heart preserved, I shoved a handful of baubles back in its place: some pages torn from my favorite books, a bass guitar string, a butane lighter, a shot of vodka. I stitched myself back up and left the roof in favor of the attic, where I hung my s

Daddy, Can I Have A Puppy?

11411141 views44 comments11 fav

Dad must have walked around with me 20 times, the store closed around us and finally he said I could have one. They were all in different poses and sizes, with black spots. Except one. One had silver spots.


6969 views99 comments55 favs

My grandmother is magnificently breasted in her floor-length nightgown.

Lick My Blahniks, she said

156156 views22 comments00 favs

“While you’re down on your knees, dog-boy, lick my shoes..."

Jasper Owens

1414 views33 comments00 favs

Jasper Owens was a son of a bitch. He was callous and abrasive and especially boorish when drinking. He was young and handsome. He came from money. He did as he pleased, despite his mother's pleadings. His father, Mr. Owens, had lost faith in his son's…

Respect the Dead

105105 views1313 comments66 favs

Joe grabbed the camera from the asphalt, inches from the woman’s lifeless fingers, pocketed it.

Easy Rider

946946 views66 comments55 favs

She stood there with her back to me and her dress around her ankles.

Juliana the Vampire

9191 views00 comments00 favs

Juliana was a beautiful graduate student to begin with, but when Alex made her a vampire, she became a knockout to die for.

Death and the big city

2020 views00 comments00 favs

She ordered us a pizza and we sat at the kitchen table eating cheap two for one deal pizza. I pushed the grease around with a crust. My mother drank a tall Tanqueray and tonic.

American Dream

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The coroner who opened up his heart would say 'clot.' His ex-wife said anger. His children would offer life, he died because of life.