Stories tagged flash

Old Scars

153153 views88 comments33 favs

When I wake up from a regular night’s sleep, my body shows proof of the injuries I suffer in my dreams. Usually I ease back into this world with only a mild puncture, an odd scratch on my belly, a black eye from a bully’s punch.


214214 views33 comments33 favs

I knew I would miss your panties, those yellow cotton ones, the ones that brightened the hamper, the ones that smelled of your ripe treasure...

Eight Feet Tall

4646 views88 comments33 favs

On your profile you wrote, it takes the first few minutes to know if it’s real. I stared down this demon linebacker. I believed. There was light in its eyes, twinkle on obsidian. Right then I knew we were a success story.

I Name Everything Mary

109109 views22 comments11 fav

I named and name everything Mary. Mary was my mournful mantra in those years after you left.

S h o u l d e r

4444 views88 comments22 favs

as if something amazing had just happened, or was about to.

The Nurse

146146 views44 comments22 favs

He'd disconnected the machine from the phone months before, after the funerals, so there was no chance it would be recorded over.

Unknown to Me

12011201 views77 comments44 favs

I don’t want to debate polemics while I’m sweaty and naked. I just want my hair cut.

Your Love Is Breadfruit, Falling from the Sky

8585 views1313 comments22 favs

He never mentioned his song “Breadfruit” fell from the sky, landed in his hand. The song climbed the charts: most downloaded, most played, most everything.


164164 views77 comments44 favs

My skin began peeling off, inexplicably, one summer night. Once, a piece fell into the soup...


23002300 views5050 comments2121 favs

She was a big woman, a massive, misshapen tree of a woman, wrapped in a rain-coat the size of a tent. She wore a cap on her head, its beak peeking out, drops of rain slipping of its edge like so many pieces of transparent candy.

A Knobby Thing

15291529 views2222 comments1010 favs

She feels ugly but ready for anything.


11 view00 comments00 favs

My girlfriend J and I turn the corner, see this guy sitting on the ground completely still, legs crossed, shirtless.

Even My Air Guitar Is Lame

13831383 views44 comments22 favs

I had the hair of a metal god, cracking it against the air whenever the stereo belched fists.

From The Doctor, With Love

15031503 views99 comments33 favs

I love how you touch me, your hands warm on my shape...

The Microseconds

9494 views1212 comments44 favs

Only now, I realize it wasn’t wise to date multiple women simultaneously.