Stories tagged flash-fiction

Ever Had Sex with a Mathematician?

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L: They're stealing food from my refrigerator. (L turns in seat 60 degrees) L: I don’t know why they hired me. All I did was write some poems.


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in a complete rage he lifted his entire golf bag full of clubs over his head and threw them into the creek.

Thank You Economy

857857 views33 comments22 favs

It started out small: just a cup of coffee, purchased, and an extra one that I gave away.

Forty Two

10721072 views33 comments33 favs

The gate squeaked, the gravel shuffled and the letterbox clattered as February 14th's mail cascaded to the ground.

The things we did to get away from ourselves...

5454 views00 comments00 favs

"It makes you mushrooms but in a bad way," said one of our friends who had experience with it. Actually, it wasn't a drug at all but a potent incense they sold at the head shop. And so I coughed up a fifty and picked it up when I went there


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The morning of her suicide, Nonny Rice received a letter.


902902 views44 comments44 favs

So here I am. Huddled and shaking like my cousin Barb who came off her Temazepan too fast.

The Night I Could've Met Simon and Garfunkel

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I was shacked up with another woman while my waitress/girlfriend Arleen was working the dinner shift at this fancy/dancy restaurant she worked at in Newport Beach when who should walk in but Simon and Garfunkel. And she starts up a conversation, bragging

The Celebrity

12601260 views88 comments99 favs

Mr. Blumberg and I sat side by side on a small couch in the family room. He was watching a football game on TV.

Body Snatchers

122122 views33 comments33 favs

When they showed up, she pretended them infected with some kind of disease.


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“I want them to play Freebird at my funeral,” he said. He didn’t look sick, she thought. She felt sorry for him. He seemed so earnest.

Nobody dies with a freakin' smile

9292 views44 comments33 favs

“He died with a smile on his face.” Billy pushed his feet into the sand, squinting at the sun. “Nobody dies with a freakin' smile.” I retorted. Later, while composing music for our roadhouse band, I thought about it. Dying with a smile? Is that…

One Day We Grow Wings

10651065 views77 comments55 favs

Cicadas shed their skin as they grow, leaving crisp hollowed out remains on tree trunks, fence posts, and the undersides of upturned leaves. Tommy and I would collect them in the early morning and stick them to our clothes like brooches. I used to like Tommy,…

Sweet Nothings Individually Wrapped

7979 views99 comments55 favs

When spring finally arrived in Maine that year and the sap began to run, buds on branches swelled up with a promise of vengeance. Tender shoots of grass arose timidly, rallying in song, a song the birds gladly took up, melting the last resistance into islets of snow on …

Parabolic Turns

12101210 views22 comments22 favs

There was a man dressed in stately attire. His name was Abacus, which maybe you find strange, but then keep this in mind: it is, after all, just a name.