Stories tagged flash-fiction

The lady makes a phone call.

824824 views00 comments11 fav

Of course it’s because she’s been drinking. Will she regret this? I don’t understand it but maybe it is something she has thought about for some time.

Five Days Under A Fridge

9393 views00 comments00 favs

The Southern Comfort he sits outdoors in a snow-storm’s snowflakes collecting in his drink.

Herself, Alone

12651265 views99 comments55 favs

"In the world of imagination, all things belong. If you take that on faith, you may be foolish, but foolish like a trout." Richard Hugo


12621262 views44 comments11 fav

In mid dream, mid journey, there's a barrier we must cross, flat and vast like an ocean. We're told the barrier is a monster. To cross the barrier we must maim one of its eyes. There, rising to the surface is half a large…

arrow head

2323 views33 comments00 favs

Golden arrows that used to point forward, left or right, spin directionless on what used to be empty white walls.

Spilled Milk

12561256 views1515 comments1212 favs

(I'd appreciate some feedback on this very weird story.) A Frosted Mini Wheat walks in to a bar...

Women of God

970970 views22 comments22 favs

I keep the book when the lessons are done, go through the pages Momma skipped over...

And in Chicago Yet, and It Was 108*

686686 views00 comments00 favs

It was the middle of the night when she started hearing voices. She thought the voice was saying, “Hello Dolly, Hello Dolly,” and that was when she called the building manager. It was the middle of the night, but he came up to her apartment anyway, be

Loco Rd

5050 views00 comments00 favs

Tattooing over your confusion by assuming you decorating the most painful acres of your flesh impresses anyone who has invested just as much money in the effort.

Buy Me Some Peanuts

11231123 views33 comments22 favs

The voice on the other end mumbles, not forming words, but I understand: I am to be the starting third baseman for the Detroit Tigers.

Mr. Wazzeldot

11861186 views66 comments11 fav

Mr. Wazzeldot has seven legs. He lives very comfortably. He likes to sit by the fire. There's a large cushion for a chair, and in the evenings, he sips his Bloody Marys. I know because I visit him…

Stuck Shut

476476 views88 comments33 favs

I’m leaving him, soon as these flowers die.

Black & White/ Color

21392139 views9898 comments3333 favs

We had them in our bunk beds in the trailer, before Becky fell and broke her neck.

Things Unspoken

10151015 views11 comment11 fav

There's something about the way he touches me every time that makes my heart skip a beat and pushes the air from my throat. I shiver under his hot breath while he whispers softly and pulls himself closer, letting his fingers glide…

Unreliable Narrators

3737 views22 comments11 fav

If I tell you when I was six I remember climbing a tree, falling, and breaking my wrist, fine. Now let me tell you the tree was an elm whose leaves showed the first tinge of yellow in the young autumn. Purple and white clovers dotted the yard my father hadn't gotten…