Startled by the noise, the pair shot back to bed, Prince underneath it and Aurora into it.
Mickey Mouse mini-nukes are often placed in children's school lunch boxes for cooling sandwiches, though an accidental meltdown could cause the food to become dangerously hot in both senses of the term.
“106 more miles,” she said.
I don't like blackberry brandy Kid.
You like anything that gets you high.
And this lie exactly is what failing you throw out to calibrate your bearings by
Forget Ulysses, life itself is a stream of consciousness if you ever have time to get out of the stream and take a look at it. And there’s nothing that gets you out of the stream like a short sharp shock.
The man with the exploded head owned a junk shop full of things he pulled out of his dreams ...
The extortion belief in himself has turned into a noose he tells his neck would do well tightening.
I remember screaming and wanting to run from the living room that time you came home drunk.
I would read her stories on quiet summer days as we sat along the river, just the two of us stretched out in the tall grass, hidden in the shade of the pine trees lining the banks of the Mullica while a gentle breeze cooled our skin. She liked the way I read to…
You are in a car speeding through Dublin towards the West year after year the journey uncoils past the same landmarks Kilmainham Jail strapped to a chair bullet to the brain on by the Rowntree Mackintosh factory where the black and yellow and orange and r
The night wrapped its arms around us as we drove west, taking the highway past Medford towards Philly. The kids were asleep in the backseat and we were both counting the mile markers, staring out the windows with quiet eyes. I listened to the drone of the…
You lie seeming less obvious than led by false hopes that never manage to overcome your hurts.