The thing about Mike is he's dead.
Blue Miles blue.
Blue Coltrane blue.
Blue skies…smiling at me, nothing but
Blue suede…
I parked an outhouse in Buzz's front yard late last night and blew it up. I suppose I should feel bad, but I don't. In fact, I think I strained something trying not to laugh out loud as I watched the contents of the crapper spatter all over the front of B
Maria poured the beer like it was white wine and you, the slumming hidalgo, she smiling, tips of her white teeth gleaming, eyes somewhat ablaze. Ablaze. Another word for innuendo, you supposed.
People with lawyers gave chase. Earlier in life you could say she gave good head. But now all they want is money. Money will make them stop the chase. Now she only gives good lawyer.
She didn’t bat an eyelash in her testimony about money. Does she even
I work for the lady with the vermillion lipstick. We talk about beauty, elegance and style over iced coffees after hours in her club. I don't know what my job is. I think I'm just supposed to appreciate the fetished female form. And watch her load cigaret
Way stronger than Starbucks turned out to be.
I can be good. Even if it kills me, I can be good. Better than a social worker.
Better than a pre-school teacher. Better than Mother Teresa; I can be a good woman who deserves a good man.
Too often, Calvin's willful head finds its way into his hands.
It was in the early sixties when my mother discovered she was my father’s second wife. Four years before, they were married quickly, by a justice of the peace, because his transfer to the States had come through. He’d charmed her with his dark chocolate e
“I swear that man is a force of nature.” This was her mother's way of describing her father whenever her mother came too close to the precipice. While growing up, she could never allow herself to fully acknowledge the meaning behind her mother's…
"In the camps we ate whatever garbage they gave us." This according to my mother. "We had no choice." But I had eaten pig with gusto at an anti-Semite's table. Somehow this had to be undone. Burial in soil was all I could imagine.
During the liberation, a Jew in the Russian army, asked him who had been the cruelest. My father gave them the name of the farmer who had murdered his father, and was later told the farmer's son was sent to the front and killed.
We fell asleep on the couch, alcohol on our breaths. Mambo and cha-cha-cha beats in our knees. Damn two-dollar high-heels left welts on our feet, but we danced all night with different brilliantine men: gold teeth, mustaches, pinky rings that looked too big…