Stories tagged flash-fiction

The Kid on the Floor The Kid on the Floor

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The kid on the floor couldn’t handle it. Man, he should have known better...

The Kid on the Floor

886886 views00 comments00 favs

The kid on the floor couldn’t handle it...

Trashion Passion

266266 views44 comments44 favs

She recycled him.

pvt Patrolling Afghanistan

33 views00 comments00 favs

To his left, the rock-strewn field spreads into a vast, dusty barrenness.

Matisse, in the Jardin des Tuileries, 1904

13611361 views77 comments66 favs

The World's Worst Mime stood there next to the iron carousel, portraying something, and the crowd understood none of it, except that whatever thing he was trying to portray was not being portrayed well at all.

Ohio Man Charged with Drunken Driving on Motorized Barstool

940940 views11 comment11 fav

A man in Watchupecka, OH, was charged Wednesday night with drunken driving in heavy traffic in downtown Watchupecka when he failed to stop for a red light.

pvt A Pallbearer for Aunt Madge

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She lies in an open casket, wearing a goofy wig that looks like it was made out of steel wool.

The Automobiles Rock!

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Remember that punk rock group, the Cars? I wonder what happened to their arch-rival group, the Automobiles? It’s no wonder they never got anywhere with a name like that? Who would go to see an Automobile show?


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The elders of the town will tell you that as soon the prophet mill arrived everything went to Hell. Before the process was streamlined, prophets used to be grown organically in the community. They popped up only where the ground was tilled and a prayer was planted. They…

That Night

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You want to tell her about that night. About what the wipers said. About what you almost did. But it doesn’t matter now. It’s too late.

That Night

188188 views1111 comments99 favs

You want to tell her about that night. About what the wipers said. About what you almost did. But it doesn’t matter now. It’s too late.

Contemplations on a Romance

316316 views22 comments11 fav

She slaps me and then tries to run away. Tries to. There's light snow approaching on the horizon, a pinkish hue that will eventually erupt into a fury of ice and wind. I can see the cabin from the gazebo, can see the orange glow of the fire through the window on the North…


14881488 views1010 comments99 favs

It’s a little known fact that eels are often lost in translation – only the spotted variety, not the striped or the common and certainly not the electric.... I think about that lovely hippie girl and her knowledge of eels, sometimes.

like father, like son

267267 views00 comments00 favs

My dad came in the door sweaty, and covered in blood. He stood there in the kitchen. My mother said, "Don, you never spend time with the boy."

Hateful, Stupid Girl

554554 views2121 comments1616 favs

He said he loved me. So I put aside his drug problems. I put aside his bipolar disorder, put aside the manic episode affair with Lori, and what I decided to go with for two years was the fact that he said he loved me.Never mind that he paid me off the books to…