Daddy comes home, calls us to his room, makes us stand in line, tells us to do it again...
The Syringimals were filled to their 60 ml capacity with a gelatinous ocher blood. They fluttered around using sparkly wings stolen from Disney fairies, and attempted language through wax lips that were usually secured with scotch tape.
Sometimes I just feel old. Thankfully, with the robotic eye implants and the artificial skin transfer, I don't look old.
I crawled back into bed as she was finishing her smoke. She smelled like it, but I didn’t care.
Those socks? Nope. I'd look like the joker in the commercial, the creep with the pollen issues and the triangular smile. What a genius. It's the part off-screen I can't forget, the part they left on the editing reel. She's crumbling the crackers into her soup, that dry…
After sex he would get on his old refurbished upright piano and always play that same song. We came to know it as the After-Sex Song.
It was really quite lovely, and touching. I think it made us all feel better around that building. Yeah, I remember t
I accidentally opened the glove compartment and stumbled upon his snub-nose .38 caliber. He saw me looking at it and smirked. “Protection,” he said, picking his teeth with a wooden toothpick after lunch. “In my line of business, you hafta have it.”
He’d been looking at the eyelash moon when thought the rustle in the leaf bed was a raccoon or even a skunk. When he turned to look the man jumped out from the trees grabbed him, pinching the skin on the boy’s back.
It was a normal part of the show, when after dishing out the rice in twelve equal portions, in twelve round bowls, he lined up a few onion pieces to fling at the diners’ mouths. The gimmick was simple, wholesome fun, meant to help people to drop their gua
A cement mattress can’t console a hungry woman, one huddling under a tattered blanket in thin socks and filth. A street corner is a cold place to kneel.
I started out dropping things like bubble gum into the trough ...
...when the doctor scrapes the baby out, he cuts out all the things that make babies, too...
The guilt was removed with the stress of fleeing, the penny burning into her palm as she clutched the only piece of evidence.
The hour reflected those pleasant moments when evening hunger can be satiated by anticipation alone, before the pangs become demanding.
A flag of cremains in the sky, nothing to salute … shadows stuck to their walkways … "Who won?" no one kept echoing.