Stories tagged fiction

Mad Max Visits New Jersey

167167 views88 comments88 favs

Warm girl/cold night

Parabolic Turns

11491149 views22 comments22 favs

There was a man dressed in stately attire. His name was Abacus, which maybe you find strange, but then keep this in mind: it is, after all, just a name.

Ashes to Ashes

976976 views66 comments33 favs

Day by day people went missing. Reports of the ads being answered with a robocall solution to their problems were at first unconfirmed. Yesterday my best friend told me his emotional distress call was going to be channeled into a free trip to what he call

from: The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars

613613 views55 comments22 favs

That was when we discovered we could make one shadow jump right through another and come out whole on the other side. Our shadows were indestructible. It was one of those moments of discovery maybe only gallons of pink Chablis could bring on. Or dope.


11011101 views55 comments33 favs

“There’s no real freedom in this world. But a car and the open road is close enough for government work.”

Tired of Dying (1)

6666 views22 comments00 favs

“Oh yeah. Jump's bad. He played hoops, though. Two three years behind me in school. Bad then, but he played hoops. Bro had game.”

When Spring Comes Will the Grass Grow by Itself?

12881288 views77 comments55 favs

Lila began to hear whispers coming from her home's air vents and quickly assumed people were watching her. Maybe that was why the yard was not progressing she thought. The unknowns talking to her through the vents had control over everything she did.

Making the Best of Things

375375 views99 comments66 favs

Tired of Dying (2)

2323 views33 comments22 favs

Someone had approached the booth, blocking his peripheral vision. He continued staring across the table as if at a breakfast companion. Jesus Christ. A new waitress. She probably didn't have his coffee with her, and would ask him what he wanted. At least

Tired of Dying (3)

2727 views22 comments11 fav

By the time Blow left Marie's Restaurant the vague irritation he'd felt entering had metastasized into a chaos that had him trembling. Why had he lied to the woman about playing basketball with Jump Jackson?

Tired of Dying (4)

4343 views44 comments11 fav

It was a faculty wife who pulled the cord that stopped the train and opened the door to the biggest, nastiest scandal in Leicester County since Banastre Tarleton got caught in the boudoir of the mistress of one of Lafayette's most trusted adjutants.

Tired of Dying (5)

2222 views22 comments11 fav

His concern was why the judge wanted him to handle what could become a capital murder case, assuming the victim was in fact a cop and Jump was able to stand trial. Such gravity would test the confidence of a well-seasoned lawyer.

Tired of Dying (6)

5353 views66 comments33 favs

“Jeezuz, Son, you smell like a French whorehouse! What in hell's that shit you're wearing?” The senior Stone was seated alone at the kitchen table.

The Brazen Bull

14941494 views99 comments44 favs

History is replete with brutally imaginative techniques of torture and execution, but I am the only death machine that doubles as a musical instrument.

Cold and Snow Are Four Letter Words

10021002 views55 comments22 favs

Environment Canada predicted the storm might not stop for another 7 days. The population of the island was now advised to evacuate. Evacuate? To where?