In the wake of a family tragedy, Nan, a pensive young woman from rural Vermont, moves to New York City for college. As she makes her way through her new urban life, with all its dangers and excitements, she is haunted by the home she left behind, remember
They say that air traffic control is stressful work and I guess it is for some people. It did require a lot of concentration but that never bothered me much. I could keep the position, bearing and altitude of a couple of dozen aircraft in my head without
...the teeth she began to lose went under her pillow, though no money ever appeared. She could not bear to throw them away and finally deposited them in her jewelry box next to the string of seed pearls she received on the morning of her confirmation.
"Did you see any action?" I ask, hoping for a story. He points to a scar ripping through the chevron on his left arm but says nothing.
Most of the paperwork was junk mail and outdated bills. I was looking for some type of life insurance policy, the title to his car, a notification from Ed McMahon, something of value.
And then I found it.
A cloudy autumn morning greeted Sean as he stepped from the trolley at Grand Central Station. On his way to the tracks he purchased a copy of The New York Times dated October 24, 1934.
We're not getting far you and I. I think it's too early to say. I think I am a sacrifice. You are nothing but an offering. Who are you? Now you see that's why you think this a sacrifice. Am I a child bride? I suppose but the hand only raises you…
Two things had converged to cement my place as the face of all that was unholy in the world that they ran: I had dared to wear pantyhose with shorts in Junior High School, and Suzette had given Rebecca's boyfriend a blow job in tenth grade.
I don't like blackberry brandy Kid.
You like anything that gets you high.
I would like to mention here, in recounting this memory, my companion is French but he is also very young--as all idealists should be. He exhaled a curl of blue smoke and his cigarette sizzled out on the sidewalk before us.
We might have been old friends or lovers or both. We were like a pair of old secrets that had never really met, reacquainting.
"A Social Worker develops programs to help feed the poor," she had said, "and makes sure there's a chicken in every pot. A Counselor asks them how they feel about getting the chicken. And a Therapist diagnoses and treats them when they start hearing
He was almost dying when I reached the hospital. I walked past the open automatic sliding doors into the lobby, almost vacant except a few people milling around, the nurses fighting sleep behind the desks while waiting for their shift to end.
It's come down to this: you're a grown man afraid to face his own son. For the past few years there has been tension;…