She thought he was biting her at night. Not a vampire bite, those two dots on the neck. A bite on her calf.
it’s okay, you can come inside me
Where the skin had grazed, shredded by the coarse gravel to form scabs, fascinated Jack. It reminded him of his youth and his own grazes, scratches and stitches. As a boy he imagined scabs were rough foundations of igneous rock, blood like lava pouring th
She considered faking it. Would've done it, too, if she knew how; but she'd never had the courage to go for it before. Like, what if he knew she was faking? Would he stop and give her an accusing look like she just spit in his soup? The…
“I’m a sucker for a good first sentence but I won’t dismiss the whole work based on a bad one. Besides, anybody with an MFA can write a decent first sentence. You can’t judge the whole work based on that.”
We moved on past the events of quiet rage, subtle acts of suicide, less subtle acts of calm homicide as people imperceptibly became willing to do more heinous acts than they were yesterday.
"At a bare minimum it deserves to be a major cult hit."
–And then she took a…what’s that…the…one big hammer…
–Yea. She took the hedgehammer and demolished my desk.
–SLEDGEhammer, I yell into the phone.
At every point in my life, I was acutely aware that somewhere out in the world, Kyle was there, doing something that very minute, and I wondered if he ever thought of me at all.
But my point is, this isn’t a Thomas Kinkade. It’s not like you can pay me fifty dollars and I can drive to the Twombly store and buy another Twombly.
Black and hollow, an echo in memory ebbing through my mind like a sluggish tide, caught in the brown-blue wake of slowly rolling years. It's easy to drift when you've nothing left. Easy to sink with the weight of meaningless dreams. You're just rendered terminal by …
No one told us that the LZ was already hot and the last Combat Mobile Team had already been shot down and killed. No, no one told us that. So when we came in below about 500 feet I began to hear that "pitit" sound of AK-47 rounds going right through the f
My first Combat Mobile experience was as the only Specialist in an ATC ("air traffic control") assignment. The rest of the squad were simple grunts lead by the massive Sergeant James T. Adams, Regular Army, the ghost of the Central Highlands. Sgt. Adams m
My name is Mandy and I'll be your narrator today. I'd like to welcome you aboard. You will be reading at the approximate speed of one hundred words per minute. Total estimated reading time will be about fifteen minutes. At this time, I'd like to point out several of the…
Nobody gets a black eye from a lamp.