Stories tagged fiction

She Kept A Lookout

769769 views22 comments22 favs

Many years later, as the smell of charring straw filled the basket she was standing in, high above faces turned upwards to watch her fly, she remembered the night her fingertips brushed snow off the Alps.


11291129 views99 comments99 favs

The last one I tipped over the edge was just like all the others: fragile, pale, humming to himself as he sat on the ledge overlooking the gardens.

Spotty Behavior

9494 views11 comment11 fav

"I knew when I married you I would have to do this one day," the man said into his cellphone. I had seen the man at the gas pumps, breathing heavily as if he was struggling with a heavy weight. He was loading three large red 5 gallon plastic contain

Night Flight

758758 views22 comments11 fav

He didn’t even have the energy to tell me to tie her up when he got home.

Weather Forecasting

668668 views33 comments33 favs

By the time the forked tongue of the flag extended flat like it was pressed between two of my thick volumes on weather forecasting, the man was still walking with his nose glued to the ground.


964964 views66 comments44 favs

I am the boy with the olive skin who takes pictures of lewd sex acts performed by nobodies on stage at the Rock Creek Lodge Testicle Festival in Missoula, Montana.

Gone to Seed

926926 views77 comments77 favs

The careful paths of larger versions gave me enough time to think, to sense their fears from pauses between footsteps, and prepare those minutes, hours, weeks before they decomposed into my whole.


409409 views99 comments88 favs

The boy curls beneath a plastic tarp until the truck stops in a depression of rock, hidden from the border's many eyes.

April Wheeler

303303 views22 comments22 favs

Where am I? The void between life and death. The light at the end is flickering, not as bright nor as strong as I’d hope it would be.

Where Is Daddy?

989989 views66 comments55 favs

He checks the bedrooms first, then the hallway, followed by the living room and the bathrooms. When he can't find you he takes to calling out, daddy, I'm sure the neighbors hear.


931931 views77 comments66 favs

there is a vault in the mountains / that in itself contains infinite vaults


754754 views55 comments22 favs

“I’ve gotta take a break from this,” Hector said. “I’m not feeling inspired right now. I’ve added about a thousand words. Why don’t you look it over and put your changes in?” “I can do that,” said Martin. “Impressive! That brings us up to nearly sevent

The Black Madonna

770770 views1212 comments77 favs

They say I am filthy. On this high pillar I perch like a stuffed avian relic, flightless, no prey. The horizon before me is broken by scuff and foreign tongue, by atomized evil. Pleas, and there are many, are answered by the only prayer I know, the one prayer, which…

Wash That Man

718718 views1010 comments55 favs

The washing machine at home was broken. It was an old leaky Maytag. A discouraging mess—twisted panties, sky-blue jeans, and an old lover or two or three floating downstream (the reverse of spawning salmon). Each man was slightly drowned,…

My Alice

816816 views44 comments44 favs

My story begins where so many have ended, strapped fast to a cold table, just moments from a lobotomy needle and anything resembling the man that I am.