Stories tagged fiction

Penny 4 Your Thoughts#

424424 views11 comment11 fav

This little six year old girl drops a penny in my jar . . . and of course I don't want her to get the wrong idea of homeless people like her parents do, so I'm real nice and say thank you very much . . . Contains language some may find offensive.

Bonnie the Baptized

18491849 views33 comments22 favs

Also, our daughter had learned to splash, causing us each time to break into spontaneous renditions of “Splish Splash (I Was Taking a Bath),” which made us not mind so much that we were getting covered in water.

This Wife of Burning Suns

232232 views55 comments55 favs

After she had gone, the man sought to remake the wife. From the ashes of his memories. From the pain of her leaving. From the churning of his heart, the thumping of his blood, fierce and red in his veins.He sought their favourite places, those beaches and forests where…


13951395 views88 comments88 favs

The trouble began in October, when Ava, an embittered receptionist who worked at a small museum housed in a five-story Westside brownstone, discovered that the floors were littered with enormous grey feathers

The Year, In Review

10141014 views33 comments33 favs

And him, now there’s a him. I’d like if he were perfect, but perfect things never are. My daughter says it best, when she contrasts the two of you, “Daddy worked to forget about his problems. When he works, it makes him feel like there is a problem.”

3rd Week in Rehab

322322 views1313 comments1111 favs

They all talk in clichés, reading off three by five cards.

The Football Game

641641 views22 comments22 favs

We got off the bus at the entrance to the other team’s stadium. I remembered I didn’t want to play football anymore and wondered why I was there.

Babybonic Plague

16571657 views22 comments22 favs

What is the half-life of the daycare cold? That's what I'd like to know. Somewhere a scientist is carbon-dating a pterodactyl's knuckles, but does anyone really care?

As Luck Would Have It

15521552 views88 comments33 favs

For fifteen years Wendy waited for Harry to leave his wife. From time to time, there’d been ultimatums, break-ups too, but they never stuck. Now Wendy’s luck was about to change. It was Tuesday, Wendy and Harry’s standing night to be together. His wif

Glory Hole

121121 views55 comments44 favs

"What you need is a miracle, yes?" I say, what I need is a few Demerol and a handful of Valium.

Crystal Ball

141141 views99 comments55 favs

---What's that word I like? ---You like a lot of words. ---The funny one. That's long. ---Bamboozled.


13421342 views55 comments55 favs

It seems the people of this house were a happy family – The smiling faces, the children’s enthusiasm tells me as much. I wonder what happened to them.

Rotten (in Denmark), Johnny

132132 views99 comments66 favs

"ever get the feeling you've been cheated?"

Whyiolet 2

6565 views22 comments11 fav

Neither did his monitors show him the jumping figure of Chauffeur Ganpatrao Sadashivrao Dhamdhere - or simply Rao Dada as everyone called him – load all these into the ‘Dicky’ (or trunk as the Americans referred to it) of the gleaming white and lovingly p


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What a great feeling it was, the day I first thought about and discovered how toilets work. Nearly as exciting as the day I learned wheelbarrel is actually spelled wheelbarrow.