Stories tagged fiction

I'm SO Bored of Being Retarded

415415 views11 comment11 fav

Yeah, so it’s an easy thing. I’m bored but that don’t mean it’s not an easy thing, to be retarded. I say that as to say I’m dumb = I’m retarded. Not to say that I’m lawfully retarded or no thing, because for then I’d just go ahead and just shoot myself de

Ink Play

11411141 views44 comments44 favs

Lying on a high seat in the south study, this is what I see:

Life Sized

11511151 views55 comments55 favs

The first time I saw Little Man was on a bright, hot afternoon near the end of November, when the trains had just pulled into the fair grounds and the familiar smell of upturned turf and sun-basked animals returned to Sarasota.

Like Water

12911291 views1818 comments1414 favs

I become a lake, a river, a stream, an ocean that will one day be able to move anything, anyone.


12131213 views1818 comments1010 favs

In what appears to have been a coordinated, coast-to-coast attack, country clubs across America were attacked last night with firebombs and heavy contaminations of herbicides.


11071107 views88 comments88 favs

Many years later, when I saw her again on a crowded subway car approaching Times Square, I thought back to the night when we both shared a piece of cardboard on the roof of a freight train moving through Mexico.

Working with Frank

361361 views55 comments55 favs

I had been working for Perdue for several weeks, but Thanksgiving would be the first day I'd actually be working with Frank himself.

Two Little Fictions

12821282 views1919 comments1414 favs

His work was done. For sixty years, beginning soon after his seventeenth birthday, he had listened to the gods- good, bad, somewhere in between-

Man in Chair with Book

917917 views22 comments11 fav

Sitting in the chair, by the window, reading a Penguin Classics paperback edition of selected essays of Montaigne, at page 196, he just froze, unable to move a muscle.


10081008 views22 comments22 favs

By dawn, she is ready to hunt.

Loose Ends

10441044 views33 comments33 favs

He looked peaceful.


12281228 views1212 comments99 favs

My sister plays Jesus.

The Avenues Of Occupation And Other Short Stories

853853 views00 comments00 favs

A vanishing of something we never got to see. All we've been left with are impressions, imaginings

The Impending Fall Of Space Junk

893893 views11 comment22 favs

The world is always changing, even if it's in several eras at once.


973973 views00 comments11 fav

Gamo knows the Master doesn't make idle requests and orders the secret issue of weapons to the student priests, who now stand gathered at Kang's back. Swords, spears and shields are quietly handled and hidden from the Mantidean's view. Dr. Kang continues