948 0 0
"Asaka-sama, we have been beset by the foulest of demons and nothing we do will rid us of it." The prostrated villager quivered from head to foot on the tatami floor. "Please, we are unworthy but would beg for your help!"Ietsugu's heart raced at the statement, though he…
936 0 0
the odd stone stands/taller than trees/it protrudes from the young forest/an old mecca but smooth
937 0 0
destinies bring me to a damned desert
841 0 0
It is far into the future when humanity has all but squandered the sustenance of its home, Earth. Because of this, myself and three other candidates are selected to participate in a top-secret mission to retrieve fresh sources of solidified hydrogen from
360 39 20
She was fast as the wind and lived on air, her clothes a size 0000.
1058 5 3
Night Flowers By Zofia Barisas The garden lies in deep darkness even in the noon of blazing day. A steamy pond lies still in wait for uncertain footsteps. Here aquatic green spiders, big as frogs, spin iridescent webs from leaf to leaf. Gigantic, ancient trees stand…
3886 8 5
306 18 8
Mickey Mouse mini-nukes are often placed in children's school lunch boxes for cooling sandwiches, though an accidental meltdown could cause the food to become dangerously hot in both senses of the term.
33 2 0
I think of today, of yesterday –
of all the yesterdays – bitter-sweet
as a twisted candle in the burnt-orange
autumn air;
amber gold liquid, filling smoky atmosphere
purpled in a dusky venetian glass,
and the scent of roses
a bouquet shimmering
28 1 0
The door to the poker hideout is twelve feet thick surrounded by walls of reinforced concrete. We like a nice quiet place to play. Smoke billows into the hideout. No one moves. "Who thinks to play poker without the peerless intellect of Professor Mood?"
1203 6 1
Mr. Wazzeldot has seven legs. He lives very comfortably. He likes to sit by the fire. There's a large cushion for a chair, and in the evenings, he sips his Bloody Marys. I know because I visit him…
1018 0 0
Inspired by "The Dunwich Horror"" by H.P. Lovecraft, this excerpt concerns the events in the life of a man who is coming to the awareness that his son has followed in his grandfather's steps and begun the process of conjuring a spirit that killed him.
150 10 3
ADXFEDL Super Punch
LDLLOPZ Unlimited Ammo
FFDVWTU Maximum Hit Points
EYENVDT Don't Need Sleep
PSDQUIV Infinite Lives
1459 0 0
The pit of my stomach was bottoming out, this lurching sort-of feeling one experiences when one has coasted WELL OVER an abyss and has no way of finding one's bearings . . .
82 2 0
He put Claudine in the barn. This caused him some pain—he’d have preferred for her to be able to stay with him in the house. His mother and father, were very strict Lutherans and insisted on marriage before ‘bunking together’.