Leaves clouded the air and piled in great brown heaps like rotted snow on the old Maine road, disturbed for the first time in months by a lone, black SUV. It plowed its way slowly across the asphalt, the black surface cracked and hoary with years of neglect, past…
Love needs loathing like cold weather needs warm clothing. And all truths, untruths and part truths need a place to live when a mind gets too sardine-packed with information and cynicism...
Some say there was a time when the light was brighter, the ear
She got up and left the table and when she reached the passenger side of my car, I imagined her high-heeled shoe leaving the glistening tarmac. She was Lauren Bacall, I was Humphrey Bogart. She was Sharon Stone, I was Mickey Rourke. She was Brigitte Bardo
Suddenly, the room was filled with a screaming vortex directed at a pinpoint in the corner. Timmy's bureau was gone and everything loose in the room was flying towards the spot it had occupied. Timmy stood up in horror. He tried to seal this rent by tossi
By fiddling with the time space continuum and mixing in liberal quantities of quarks from his "Li'l Bang Dimensional Digester", Larry created an entirely new universe in his garage. This was a flagrant violation of Cosmic Law. It could not be ignored, nor
one of those love poem things
“No names,” she said. “I am the mysterious woman, and you are the handsome stranger.”
You ever have one of them epiphanies? You know, when something simple causes ya to glimpse reality through your buzz? Yeah, I got that. Happened just a while ago to me.
If anyone walks before her, they don't leave footprints.
Giant stars are beautiful, when you stand directly in front of them.But touching them, is a whole other story.Junior had touched one. A strong burning sensation flew through his arm and down his spine. A feeling of electrocution and burning at the same…
fire rolls through
the drive-thru
Ciel’s eyes trembled at how this all could have happened. With tears falling down her cheeks, all senses of hope disappeared.
Azure took the paper and read it herself. She wondered about those four mysterious beings that communicated with her.
Azure felt tired of all her problems remain unresolved, and she felt this was a good opportunity to get one out of the way.