1378 1 0
54 9 2
Her baby is a furred thing, alternately bristled and then soft. She hopes it isn’t shedding, wonders how she’ll ever get all that hair out of her if it is.
97 4 2
The baby was normal when it came out. Daddy snipped the cord like nothing, the baby screaming silently till the nurse sucked out whatever bloodsnot was stuck in his throat, then there was no turning back, it was there, his voice, his mouth wide and wider, that baby was all…
2202 40 13
I should have created a first-date questionnaire heartaches ago.
1209 2 2
my mouth is open, ready to bite your tiny toes
1085 5 0
Rumpelstiltskin cried
because you belong to me;
88 3 0
A mother - a writer -once said to me“Do what will endure.”Because she was of loveand of good humorand because she was of joyand caring for un-met friends.I tried. Now I writeand play with my child,who knows not of dirty dishesin the sinkunmade bedsbathtub…
991 2 0
When she was just a little bit younger, Dana wanted to be known around town as something other than the girl who used up all the machines at the laundromat with her little brothers' Spiderman underwear and her grandpa's pants soiled with God-knows-what. Something…
96 19 8
I noticed his eyes were two different colors, or one moved strangely, floating randomly in its socket.
41 14 7
What I want to know is where you proposed to that woman who will be your wife. Was it Shackleton's hut? Was it where we heard the Weddell seals? Was it the McMurdo greenhouse where you keep the tomatoes and flowers? You jammed me into the basil and came a
125 36 18
To be one with she who gave birth to put everything in my mouth her breast the dirt grass my finger blanket soft.
1734 1 1
"Her actions in the city seemed invariably designed to destroy that person, which she’d worked so hard all her life to become."
71 0 0
I flew to Madrid. Though, at the time, it felt like standing still. Nothing happened quickly enough the second after I had read that journal entry.
1243 0 0
Walking to Colorado? He doesn't have that kind of time.
3468 8 9
Jonathan jumps up from his seat, knocking over his mug of coffee, when Mona tells him she thinks she is in labor.