Stories tagged baby

Blues For Billy C

5656 views22 comments00 favs

It's cool in the morning you don't look like a saver. I be wan, at John's Landing, it kills me begging favors.

Fill Me Up

173173 views55 comments22 favs

She was reluctant to have a baby with him because she knew his genes would trump hers. His brown eye alleles would cover up her recessive blue.


239239 views2828 comments1414 favs

You make all the lists.


6969 views22 comments00 favs

When I was a child, before, there was a man who told my mother one day he owned half the place on Fayette Street. That was the first time I smelled Jim Beam on a stranger’s breath.

Thinking of You, Anna Liu

5454 views22 comments00 favs

She wore a purple violet in her hair and her nails, like her lips were painted black.

HVAC is so sexy. What?

895895 views00 comments00 favs

We had imagined making babies with ease, as if they were simply fruit- ripening on the trees around us- and all we had to do is stretch out our limbs and pluck. We never imagined that skill is involved, that heartbreak is required, and that the one simpl

Clackamas Towne Center 2012

6666 views11 comment00 favs

The young mother slowly moved along the counter at Macy's, glancing at the sparkling bottles and attractive packages of scented soaps and powders. She reached for a bottle, then hesitated, looking…

May 1985

108108 views1717 comments88 favs

the child just didn't want to let go

My Son: The Nudist

12001200 views44 comments11 fav

Snug tight, nine months in his Mommy's womb.Patient - a flower waiting to bloom, Our Austin took his first sip of airat St. Peters Hospital, unclothed and bare. Swaddled in the hospital grade wrapand donned in the matching standard cap,he felt…

DJ at the Bat

410410 views22 comments00 favs

(to be read like Casey at the Bat)The temperature was chilly on that December dayOur checklist near complete, just two more rounds to playElizabeth had been inked and poked inside the ringNow it was DJ's turn to do his manly thingAbstinence was the game, days one through…

Breast Pumping

522522 views33 comments33 favs

At your baby's birth a nurse comes in,chanting the mantra "breast is best"and before you know it, she's got your sonand she's pushing his face toward your chest.He huffs and puffs, breathes in, breathes out.Frantically looking for the food sourcethe nurse's cold fish hand…

Woman with a Baby

8585 views66 comments33 favs

The mother pushed the stroller through the gate, still looking for a familiar face. As she promenaded in her designer sneakers and capris, looking left and right, the baby banged his rattle on the stroller, laughing and smiling as each dog passed.

Why I Don't Nap

450450 views00 comments00 favs

Grandma tells mom I nap for two hours the days they watch me, while mom is at workbut I know for a fact she doesn't believe them because when it's just us, I go berserk!I wake up real early, while the sun's still asleep but lay in my bed with my binky in handthen my…

Baby Fish Mouth

13361336 views77 comments44 favs

“Lunge to your right,” the woman on the screen instructs. She is easily six-months pregnant but still looks fit and healthy. “Now show off your baby.” She centers herself, splays her arms, and thrusts her belly out towards us. “Lunge to the left. Now show

Gyrle (n.) - Boy or girl

11461146 views66 comments33 favs

Is it better to have a boy or a girl? That's not a rhetorical question. I'm really asking. When I was four, I used to wedge myself in between the wall and refrigerator and yell out, “Help! I'm stuck!” It was my mom's least favorite game. Meanwhile, half a