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The Celebrated Jumping Flippit of Tau-Ceti IV

12911291 views00 comments00 favs

One day me an' Elvis was down at the riverbank with Huckleberry, chasin' darters an' watchin' barges go by. It was a lazy day bein' a Sunday an' all. We had jest got back from Church an' Mami told me to change my clothes so's that I didn't get my Sunday

learning to unread

749749 views00 comments00 favs

what happens to literature's characters when their readers traverse the veil?

The Caboose

543543 views00 comments00 favs

His throat still burned and his muscles ached but the codeine put it at a manageable distance. He sank into delicious sleep and was awakened some minutes later by a terrific jolt and the crash of metal.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.3 - c.3

11121112 views00 comments00 favs

Mayumi and her friends arrived at the beach. The sun was near setting for the night, and a few stars began an early peek in the twilit sky.

Richard Brautigan's Pre-Birth Library

12651265 views00 comments00 favs

And Mickey said to the reporter, "I wrote a play for Richard. It is the wild play I performed with Richard. I think he will like this shit."

Five Million Yen: Chapter 49

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Besotted by an overload of scotch, Ben’s brain barely alerted him to loud knocking at his door.

The Club

11651165 views00 comments00 favs

Even the stinging warmth of the Grey Goose wasn’t fun without Lisa whispering into his ear, telling him stupid little confessions that he would recite to her in singsong the day after. And she would beat her small fists against his chest solemnly with a


10381038 views00 comments00 favs

said you loved me told some jokes aren’t you dying?

“The Confession of the Sorcerer of Darkness”

955955 views00 comments00 favs

A dark and mysterious account of an ancient traveler seeking arcane literature, and the miserable results to him after he receives what he sought.

Arcana Magi Cross - c.1

14221422 views00 comments00 favs

Ai picked up the ball and noticed the feathers. Wings unfurled and the head looked up. Staring deep into the bird’s eyes, Ai could have sworn she saw flames.

Split Decisions

850850 views00 comments00 favs

Many colored eyes move slow between the mirror and my heart, begging questions. I offer no explanation. None suffice to breed either my content or theirs.

In the Tent of Princess Citronella

10401040 views00 comments00 favs

While sipping Earl Grey tea in the tent of Princess Citronella, I could hear the nightime burping of several camels outside trying to settle down. A slight breeze entered in through an opened flap and gently vibrated a piece of paper the Princess was handing me. A dog…


967967 views00 comments00 favs

When we crossed the California/Oregon border, I had this vivid image of sleeping bags filled with human bones. I shook my head and the scene would not go away. The woods must be full of dead campers, hitch hikers, run-a-ways, and black teenage whores


934934 views00 comments00 favs

Vikki respond, "Say big guy, you eat pussy?" The Mohawk flustered. "Uh!?...Yeah...sure." Vikki snickered, "Great. We got something in common. So do I."

Temporary Housing

12181218 views00 comments00 favs

My cats are my world and more. They are rotund, little indoor-girl cats, though, who were taken from their mother too early to learn things like hunting and properly washing their privates, and so they think the mouse is just another interesting thing to

Last Words

10571057 views00 comments00 favs

I met Barry Hannah once in my life. I’d come to Oxford, MS, to meet an entirely different writer whom I thought then and think now very highly of. I’d also come to escape from another slew of regrets. Oxford is a great city to run away to.

One-Sided Conversation

11601160 views00 comments00 favs


The Vanes of Foxes

14661466 views00 comments00 favs

If you are a fox then I am also a fox.

Arcana Magi Zero + Pure - c.13

816816 views00 comments00 favs

Street by street, non-combatants ran away. Each one passed by the Society and law enforcement screaming.

Pros and Cons of Wildflower Collection

946946 views00 comments00 favs

If it was truly new territory of the mind, he thought he might find some place that resembled the world as his dad envisioned it, having already decided that his father could never turn back across the frontier to the old world of youth

A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte

11691169 views00 comments00 favs

A woman is fishing in the Seine at the far left of the painting, while time is suspended and light remains. One man plays a trumpet. A half dozen people sit or walk under parasols. Couples stroll and children run or sit or stand beside their p


11871187 views00 comments00 favs

After seventeen years of struggling to wake up early in the morning, I had managed to wake up on my own. Actually, I think it was because I was unable to sleep that I was up so early. I had laid on the bed all night, staring at the dark ceiling, taking in every…

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.4 - c.3

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Jumping from roof to roof, Keiko and Rumiko remained quiet after hearing Mayumi’s story. They saw the shrine ahead but they knew they were going to run out of buildings to stay above.


137137 views00 comments00 favs

A daughter is stuck between the sun and the moon. She is excavating on a distant planet. She's a scientist or an astronaut. She's a time travelerknowing she will be conceivedon a sanctimonious day.This is the daughter you dreamedof having while you played with…


12171217 views00 comments00 favs

One of the runners was collecting bags of dead animals to bring back to the van. Nicholas looked inside one of the bags, but all he saw was a stringy mess of fur and tissue. The runner grabbed the bag from Nicholas. He shrugged and said "hammers.

I'm Despondent, Yes...

653653 views00 comments00 favs

Do you remember who Laura S was? She was the one who tore out Shel’s heart. (It so happened that she was one of Lynda’s closest friends, and knew all her secrets.) Shel started seeing a shrink after Laura dumped him, and he would go around s

Epic struggle between right and wrong...

977977 views00 comments00 favs

The day was yesterday, November 11, 2010. I was home from work, and I pulled my car into the driveway. I stopped short of the garage to get out of the car and get the daily mail. Bills and unwanted coupons for places I didn't go and for items I don't…

The Cherry

967967 views00 comments00 favs

He then spent his walk home to his single apartment spitting up various textures of red, combinations of cherry and blood mostly.

there's a light moving toward me in the sky

678678 views00 comments00 favs

There’s a light moving toward me in the sky. How often at the edges of reason, the howling desire has taken me. Howling desire! How often it has taken me in its mouth, naked, and shaken me. And now there’s a light moving toward me in the sky. There’

Arcana Magi Pure - c.4

12981298 views00 comments00 favs

The stone floor was cold and the sky above had a purple haze. The setting sun hid beyond the trees outside the crumbled walls. Vines reached over the well as if it grabbed it like hand.