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11631163 views44 comments22 favs

In the mode of Swinburne's ‘Dolores':For the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster- A study of the notion of “Intelligent Design” Since the universe came into dawning, If e'er this bright universe did, Men ought to know better in…

Contract Love

11281128 views55 comments44 favs

“If you guys ever get back together, I’d make him sign a contract.” I smiled, but cautioned, “Not sure that would work.” She answered with emphatic confidence, “You haven’t seen how good I am at writing contracts!"

War Doc Week

896896 views22 comments22 favs

Douchey Jake made me cry until my eyes puffed so much I couldn't see through them. I said hey look, to my friends who slept on the futon, don't I look like one of those dolls with the real fake eyelashes? The truth is I've been pretending I don't…


16961696 views1414 comments88 favs

My father failed in business in the 1950's when Dutch Elm Disease killed the elm trees in our Kansas town. He owned a fabric store on a brick street lined on both sides by elms, the doomed trees that transformed every Midwestern town into a magical kingdom and sidewalks and…

Falling Towards Oblivion Avenue

10811081 views1414 comments77 favs

At some point, you care/ just enough to wake each morning,

Filtering Grace

951951 views22 comments22 favs

...She was my first, my only, she broke me in then brought me down. Alone now, I cycle through hundreds of variations of her image like a flip book narrating some abstract story. That’s all she is now to me, an incoherent melange of tints, saturations, an


348348 views1818 comments1111 favs


Deer Doctors Black Earth

991991 views44 comments33 favs

The doctor bargained with us enough but I kept saying “give it a thousand years and we'll think about it.” He seemed to mean well and be smart enough to not be feeding us snakes, but he wasn't a praying man and I couldn't see past that look he used to give my…

The Fourth Prague Defenestration: 17

842842 views22 comments22 favs

The next day we were sitting at that same outdoor café on the square, trying to savor a peaceful meal of duck plucked fresh from the Vltava River, when the very same waiter passed by and said, “Bet you wish you had some peeg now, no?” There were camer

Modern Fable

10251025 views88 comments55 favs

there's looks between the covers and shotguns in the drawer

"Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown..."

12401240 views1010 comments44 favs

A Parody of Keats I stood at silent thought upon a clump Of nettles, swaying in the od'rous air- That blew from my own trousers, by the dump; That it had not blown more lent me despair. The dulcet horn gave melody, rare…


10481048 views44 comments44 favs

He'd sit or stand, as if this was common to see: in the street walking by, such a man.

Writing 101

890890 views1414 comments1010 favs

looked briefly – glanced shouted loudly – yelled fell down – fell

Henry's Moment

10331033 views11 comment11 fav

“You need to keep a close vigil on your X-Ray binaries from the Sun. The star and its blazing temperature could spill over at its outer-most edges. The material would be such a high temperature; it would destroy all life on your planet, and…

Modern Car Problems

10061006 views33 comments33 favs

Sitting in the car, John had the urge to kill himself.

Who's Chasing You?

11981198 views88 comments77 favs

“Who’s chasing you?”. When the answer is ‘no one’, it’s best to drive away, like you would from a forgettable Oregon town or someone who can’t love you more than they hate themselves.

There is no such thing as stillness

250250 views1616 comments88 favs



12531253 views2626 comments1313 favs

12 lines

Story Board

10731073 views1313 comments1010 favs

There was something about his eyes that seemed more sly than happy. He looked like a teamster winking at a mayor who’d just paid him off to keep trucks rolling through Scranton.

120 Years

874874 views00 comments00 favs

It has been speculated that his failure to become either a recognized artiste or a blockbuster director is what ultimately led him, when the opportunity presented itself, to upload his consciousness.

The Fourth Prague Defenestration: 16

732732 views22 comments22 favs

I still wake up with a start to this day, remembering the sound of that squish. And the cheer from above of all the brutes hanging out the open castle window. And of course the roar of approval and delight from the hordes of Chinese, Russian, and Germ

Alice Invading the Garden

17741774 views2020 comments1212 favs

I'm Alice invading the garden, looking for souls among cards

Return of the Lost Ones

993993 views88 comments66 favs

I'm working through the rocky pine cones so you don't have to. I'm stepping over the little dreaming people in your dreams so we don't wake them with our loud and coming loose footprints. The poem passes by like a heartbreaking train…

Minnie Mouse Meets Mickey at a Convention of Phrenologists

931931 views33 comments22 favs

A parody of John Ashbery I have been preconditioned likewise by the ligatures of the roof. It has bypassed even the lightning. When I started this essay I (poetics equalling dissemination, like a toilet plug) admired, and I in the book produced…


10611061 views66 comments55 favs

. . .the clock of lips, timing their avid omens --

The Judge's Wife Part 10

10731073 views77 comments44 favs

The Judge waited for the perfect wave.

Man on a porch with beer and shotgun

274274 views1212 comments55 favs

Lo and Behold, there you are beside me

Blackish by Reason of the Ice

10991099 views99 comments88 favs

"Sara, do you taketh it with your eyes?"


951951 views55 comments22 favs

Red leaves green trees wind chimes tune

Fried Architecture

733733 views11 comment11 fav

In the morning that same girl I’d seen gave me a tangerine...