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Reindeer Nights

10021002 views11 comment00 favs

It all started a long time ago. September 1, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland. His army was moving fast. We lived not far from the city of Krakow. On the third day of invasion a lot of men (civilian) walked through our city, running away from the German Army.

Orange Tears

15961596 views44 comments00 favs

Remember me? I am the large, dented acorn you threw at your brother, Ken, during the huge acorn war of 1969. You were thirteen. He was eleven. And the entire neighborhood was in your backyard that day. Steve, Jack, Jerry, Tom, Dan, Jeff, Drew. A bunch of the kids…

Luther Loves Lucy

15841584 views00 comments11 fav

Luther Mishmash stood numbly in the yard, dumbly staring at the soiled pair of underpants flapping lazily in the breeze on the wash line. Grandpa had wet himself again. Tomorrow, at school, he knew he’d hear about it. Luther wasn’t sure which was more

My Son Thinks He's French

19171917 views2020 comments99 favs

My son thinks he's French.His accent was cute at first, but it's starting to get on my nerves. If he asks for another glass of Beaujolais I'm gonna go to jail for child abuse.Yesterday, I walked upstairs to make him turn his new Jacques Brel album down and I swear it…

The serious writer and her bush

12121212 views88 comments00 favs

The serious writer looks back on a long and distinguished career as an herbologist.

Lancelot Meets Goya Meets Cortázar Meets Mowat

17141714 views2121 comments99 favs

to say that he was doing fine

Like An Endless Rain

10331033 views22 comments11 fav

Fate could have sent me any number of Sergeant-Detectives, but fate sent me one of Boston’s finest, Sergeant-Detective Sheila Magnuson. Aside from being a little undernourished Sheila Magnuson is possibly the world’s most beautiful Sergeant-Detective.

City Crossing

16301630 views1010 comments66 favs

Maybe we all met, somewhere, in between streets.

Condensation on the Glass

959959 views55 comments00 favs

Condensation on the Glass Riding down 22, I'm looking out the window. Time is a whirlwind. Your memory relinquishes itself, yellowed and fraying at the edges. It's raining and cold. I make a smiley face in the condensation …

A Body Divided, 1

13251325 views00 comments00 favs

A Body Divided: Memoir 1 When I came back home, after coming down with polio, everything had changed for me. I'd been gone for forty-five long days and nights. But it was Halloween, a time very nearly sacred for children in the Midwest, and it broug

Closed Curve

10561056 views22 comments00 favs

What the heck to believe in??

What happens when you listen too much

908908 views22 comments00 favs

It's definitely not her pretty face that made him smile so quirkily when she returned in the evening.

A Jeep Wrangler, a moped, a bank bag, Woody Guthrie and stained teeth

13231323 views22 comments00 favs

A bank bag now hung from those teeth—yellow-gray rancid, decaying teeth, strands of tobacco chew laced in between. Those thin pen mark lips could not hide the teeth’s keyhole spaces, shaped by open cavities—the bank bag hung from those teeth. The me

Not Even Know It

930930 views88 comments00 favs

I remember the man well, though he didn't notice me.Even though a million tiny things happened to cause his hand to brush me away from his neck, he didn't notice. Much like the way his eyes bounced off women's bodies as he hurried down the sidewalk in his blue wool…

Basement Concert

947947 views22 comments00 favs

You don't just hear the sound, you are the sound, you and everyone else in the room.

What He Didn't Tell the New Kitty

13221322 views00 comments00 favs

“What the hell kind of name is Angel? Who were you with before, some little girl?”

Whatever Happened to Sue Ellen?

13871387 views55 comments22 favs

When she awoke in her yard, she poured what was left of the rum into the dead grass. The man beside her lay with fingers curled, a claw she’d found wedged up her skirt when she woke. Tom, she said, his name nonsense, tongues. Might as well have been any


14461446 views33 comments11 fav

Over fifty plastic flamingos stood silently at attention... as if eating sea urchins out of our lawn.


17331733 views2020 comments99 favs

Something about the Garden of Eden. That it isn't really a garden, and I'm not even sure what Eden means.

Four Fundamentalist Teenagers In Front Of A Metropolitan Railway Car

13421342 views77 comments66 favs

That morning, four children appeared in front of the train, which was ready to depart

Moses Reborn

13241324 views22 comments11 fav

Influenza Jones knew she was Moses. Reborn, of course, because the real Moses had been dead for longer than Influenza could remember. It didn’t matter that she was a woman and Moses was a man, she knew what her body say and her body say she be Moses. Sh

Hearts in Exurbia

14071407 views55 comments11 fav

Silent Murf was largely toothless, and the gaze from his eyes diverged in opposing directions; his skinny arms were a fancywork of jailhouse tattoos and what appeared to be scabbed-over claw marks.


14841484 views1111 comments33 favs

That summer crawled with them, insects of every denomination: cicadas caught by the cat, wingless, came to rest in the roots of the garden we planted; sudden swarms of dragonflies...

Pretty White Gloves

14431443 views66 comments22 favs

He sits on a folded-over cardboard box, slightly off-balance and without any visible sign of support other than the granite wall of the bank behind him and the few coins in the paper cup he shakes at each passerby.

The Mix Tape

10631063 views55 comments00 favs

I made her a mix tape. It was revolutionary. Twenty-two songs she had to hear at least once in her life. I even drew some trippy drug-like designs on the label of the CD to make it seem more real. It was the ocean and the sun and every body of land balled up…


10331033 views00 comments00 favs

"My Chi felt stimulated."

In Small Packages

12601260 views22 comments11 fav

Linus had it right with the security blanket he held like a beloved pet swan. Geneva had it all wrong with a pastel-colored music box, painted with impressionist-styled daisies and tied up in gold-ribbed pink bow. But it had come from her grandmother. Her

Five Uneasy Pieces

17541754 views2020 comments99 favs

Eighteen-layered canvases were prized by both of them, regardless of whose work appeared on top.

two dudes talking

12551255 views22 comments11 fav

“What about this shirt?” “I didn't know Gap had an ‘approaching middle age pimp' department.” “So… no?” “Yeah. No.” “Approaching middle age?” “So…” “So?” “Soooooo…”…

The OD & Hepatitis RR or Bust

47804780 views1212 comments1212 favs

We got this new group man--it's dynamite! I'm up front--no more bass--just front man--and this cat Jack on lead and Stokes the drummer and this outasight piano--he used to be with the Dead--