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3.8 in Chicago

753753 views44 comments22 favs

A 3.8 magnatude earthquake ravages Chicago suburbs.

The Tricycle

13661366 views44 comments00 favs

The large black pedals on the red/Tricycle rotate, push along the cracked,/Weedy surface.


11461146 views00 comments00 favs

“So, do you still think I'm hot? I mean, do you think men still find me attractive?” Jenny asks. This is never a good question to answer, much less entertain. I know this as surely as I know anything. Still, let's break it down. I am married. Jenny is…

When it Gets Dark

11451145 views33 comments11 fav

The world—the natural world—was terrible and beautiful in wartime. The leaves shuddered off trees. The pockmarked fields. The fallen brick chimneys. The way the birds heaved together in enormous flocks like rescue missions and then just as…

A Leaf For Instance is Only a Green Enough Calling Card(A Valentine)for Someone if You Care to Mail It

11651165 views99 comments44 favs

Because you alone must know how to make a smile shine at me and be like the sun, I can only feel its warm and coolish colors becoming that perfectly deepened yellow then on to the red if you please that makes a shy kind of blue out of day. That…

(1) Nan

16011601 views22 comments11 fav

[Her adviser] looked at her and tilted his head, smiling. Over his shoulder she saw the M104 bus cruising up Broadway, and considered diving under it. Instead she took off toward the corner, in shame, and he followed. When they parted ways, he took her ha

Cleaning House

971971 views66 comments22 favs

If you've ever cleaned house because a death is coming,you know it's the same as any other kind of cleaning.Wipe the tables.Pick up the floor.Sweep the crumbs under the carpet.For later.And for the ants.It's different, too.Because you're floating.On caffeine.On muffled…

Spiders on the Wall

909909 views00 comments00 favs

Her eyes creaked open in the misty morning sun seeping through my dusty window. From her facial expression, I could tell she thought I was watching her sleep, but really I had just woken up and coincidentally looked over at the exact moment she did. I decided against …

it’s possible that i’ve given this some thought

818818 views00 comments00 favs

“Our legs are touching. Our legs. Touching. The light from the screen illuminates your eyes. Off and on. Even in night scenes. Maybe it dances in the eyes of other people there too. But I doubt it. Not like…

The Bike Messenger on Lexington Avenue

10621062 views22 comments11 fav

The Bike Messenger on Lexington Avenue Comes to rest taking a moment in the falling rain slowly massaging the veins at the top of his bald head Cracking his neck while the yellow cabs start honking behind him Unwilling to mov

New Carpet

15391539 views22 comments00 favs

How curious that the thought arrived first in Portuguese; perhaps, after so many years, he was finally becoming Brazilian.

The Book of Punishments

14761476 views33 comments11 fav

"Not a fan?" Beth asks, feeling a sliver of happiness move through her. He furrows his brow. "Then what brings you here?" "I'm here to pick up girls," Steve says simply. "Want to hit the buffet table? Want to run away to Mexico?"


11711171 views66 comments44 favs

OF ALL 2,000 YEARS 10 Point The city after the snow was Medieval, the thousand paths wound as browsing deer. Inside her coat what wild heart. Lethe The beads were rolled-river at her throat, milk blue on a yellow string. I…

Cracking Open

19211921 views2525 comments1313 favs

Her addiction started with dry roasted nuts, and quickly jumped to peanuts. At her worst, she was consuming a large glass jar of peanuts daily. She loved while hating their salty taste and greasy feel, the repetition of tossing them into her mouth. …

The Last Story

16331633 views4747 comments2020 favs

The serious writer always knew there would be a last story but when the time came, he felt ill-prepared.

Last Call

11301130 views11 comment11 fav

It’s last call for the Class of 2001, their five-year reunion drawing to a close, and Brenner, in his standard t-shirt and holey jeans, has just arrived.

Love, Mortar

18821882 views66 comments55 favs

My love for you is like a brick. It sits silent in me when you bring out my food at the Dine and Dart, red tray aloft, your skin gleaming like grilled onions. My love is rough around the edges but solid through the center, fresh from the kiln. My love for you is…

6.0 in Eureka

889889 views11 comment11 fav

"Shit," said the Charge Nurse. "Not again."

Here is the thing. No one knows what it (actually) represents

983983 views33 comments22 favs

beyond knowing that when it hits you, you've been very much run over, and flattened like a stack of cardboard pancakes. I've seen it all before, and it works all right I guess. But my oh my, my, my oh thank you Jesus, to…

Undressing The Moon

961961 views33 comments00 favs

the white moon is dangling by a thread tonight you close your eyes and listen to it undress and suppress, suppress you listen to it undress while you yourself hang lifeless in your own arms not meaning to do yourself any harm, not

The Coming of the Apocalypse

14071407 views66 comments33 favs

The Operations Management Guru was visiting the twenty-fourth floor on Tuesday, and everyone at the company was wicked with fear.


822822 views22 comments00 favs

And then, like all those nights before, she just fell asleep seducing me.

Ice Box

876876 views11 comment00 favs

To become an objection as cool as an ice box. To wither the crops. To hold a baby in your hands. Never mind, the arms. We shoot photographs of you. I still believe in black bile. I still think I'm holy. This rhyme is non-violent. Snap.

First Husband

19911991 views3333 comments1414 favs

"My, aren't you queery looking? She says.

Winter's Presence 2010

11971197 views44 comments00 favs

A short triangular plastic shovels into the/White plastic container filled with topaz crystal-like/Salt granulars. Scratchy sandy sounds echo.

Digging Up Bones

12741274 views33 comments22 favs

So I'm digging, clawing the black earth, disappearing in its ore and shadow.

Dinner at the Bigelows’

21072107 views44 comments00 favs

Mrs. Bigelow loaned Tessa a black tulle maid’s uniform and helped her pin it in at the sides. She tied on Tessa the stiff white apron. Slippery, pale, opaque stockings of real silk oozed through the girl’s fingers, secured by a heavy satin garter belt

The Weird Gods

10631063 views22 comments00 favs

"The weird gods climbed down from the moon, past low-hanging clouds and upon leafless treetops. Their unusual boots first touched ground in a parking lot in the city. The snow crunched."


11171117 views44 comments00 favs

She collects slowly The pieces Each one Heavy with grief Precious and Also bitter

If I Was A Bum

912912 views33 comments00 favs

If I was a bum I’d risk everything for a drink or a smoke I would beg and curse and steal if I was a bum If I was a bum I would cuss out the Pope I would not vote for anyone because I would know truly they’d be telling gross lies