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Dear Earth, On the Occasion of Your 40th Earth Day Birthday

10311031 views22 comments11 fav

Everyone is tromping around in work boots like an army of happy gardeners. The park is smiling from all this attention, from the sound of kids who think work is play. It's not even sunny but we don't mind. I know you don't. Grey days are just as good. They've…

The Second Confession

10071007 views33 comments11 fav

Most people come to dislike me because of the things I say.

Bright Red

967967 views22 comments00 favs

They shoveled coal into the furnace of the city so the ghosts would be warm for their haunting.

The Secret

15601560 views66 comments44 favs

The sudden sound of his engine starting breaks the silence of the hot, summer, Florida night. As he drives away in his black Chevy truck he glances in the rear view mirror at his girlfriend's house. He tries to forget about the girl he is leaving behind. His heart begins to…

An Idiot is Never Worth Your Time or More Mythomania for Your Buck An Idiot is Never Worth Your Time or More Mythomania for

710710 views00 comments00 favs

"It's a true saying then, that 'it's never worth while speakingto an idiot,'" answered Smerdyakov firmly, looking significantlyat Myshkin." - Dostoevsky "Why are you telling everyone that you are going to Tchermashnya, so that you think you're going to Moscow, when you…

Almost There

24542454 views3232 comments2323 favs

...children live in the moment like no one else. Which is a good lesson for us all, especially when crossing an ocean. Because out here you are alone with the rhythm of your thoughts and the ghosts of your past.

The Museum

10841084 views11 comment00 favs

Flicking through the sheets on her clipboard, Evelyn double checked the address with the mismatched numbers on the letterbox. Its mouth was a rusty, gaping grin like it had lost its dentures.

To The Guy Who Sat Next To Me On The Flight Home From Amsterdam

10251025 views33 comments00 favs

I guess you felt more comfortable holding your Moby Dick

The Cicada's Cry

13801380 views11 comment22 favs

In the cicada's cry No sign can foretell How soon it must dieBasho "Hear the locusts?" The woman lifts the child's head. "Hear em, baby?" The child looks blankly in the…

Letter to Neruda

17121712 views99 comments44 favs

You have been my woman’s lover now for seven years, ever since your two souls met at La Isla Negra.

Looney Tunes

12381238 views66 comments44 favs

I put my arms around her and whisper to her while she plays the piano. She wiggles and tells me to stop it.

Parajanov Contra Zizek (oder selbst proclaimed Brechtian Beast Z vs aSublime moving picture for magnitude of efficacy.)

11571157 views00 comments00 favs

People act, today, as if there were no such thing as Death - i.e. they "psychotically" reify the notion that we "live on" in our work or more pointedly/poignantly in our offspring and in society qua Creation. This tendency was half present in the old Greeks - the …

Moments in the Community of Women

950950 views11 comment00 favs

It’s the small stuff. Always. A conversation with a stranger, brief yet so connected it overwhelms you. These encounters can move me beyond my reality, little reminders that, if you just crack the window a little, something very special can blow in.

You'll Have To Come Out Because I Won't Let You In

15711571 views66 comments33 favs

the pollen of your kisses and the shouts of your love shaking the sky


12581258 views66 comments22 favs

It was as if a car bomb went off in Beaver Cleaverville.

Everybody Was a Virgin Once

767767 views00 comments00 favs

Most women simply don’t want damaged goods. That’s a fact I’ve been brought face to face with throughout my life. It's something you can continue crushing your brains against, like an impossibly high hurdle. At first you take the damage without unde


15101510 views1313 comments77 favs

A team of reggae journalists played and an unknown man came after work for me in a kilt.


844844 views00 comments00 favs

This girl who looks about ten years old and her Pomeranian puppy are staring at my left arm and my right hand keeps filling out the form and I know I shouldn't but I say what she's been begging me to for the last half hour: It wasn't Wilbur. It was a woman. A girl,…

Ibby's Falafel

13631363 views33 comments11 fav

Dark hung over the night like an occupation force. Across the street a Cuban diner fought it off with green and yellow neon lights, Latin rhythm beating through the air.

Zom Prom Mom

18321832 views33 comments22 favs

We fucked in the backseat like the verse of a b-side, and that was enough to make him think my boys were half of his body.

Quiet (from Grand Street literary journal)

15421542 views22 comments22 favs

I know it’s nobody’s fault, and that one thing had nothing to do with the other, because it was this way for me since I was born; they just didn’t figure it out for a while that with one of my ears I could hardly hear, and with the other, I couldn

Real Estate

18181818 views4141 comments1111 favs

He drove down there in his truck the second time. Didn't want to get anywhere near that snooty car of hers.

Pi in the Sky

20062006 views1616 comments88 favs

The possibility for numerous outcomes – the possibility of anything, really – lives on the writer’s page.

Arcana Magi - c.13: Along the Way

13901390 views00 comments00 favs

The Sentinels flew low and through the woods. Carefully navigating their way around the trees, they heard the sound of birds chirping and frogs croaking in the morning.

Hummingbird hearts in a breadbox

15101510 views99 comments66 favs

We married in the ruins of a pachinko hall, the tiny bones in the pocket of your tracksuit luring a pack of wild dogs out from the underpass.


24602460 views2323 comments1616 favs

Sue Ellen walked on. “You were thinking about me -- I saw you.”

The Demon Rum

824824 views55 comments11 fav

the Coke made his butt leak blood

The Backseat

13101310 views55 comments22 favs

I always sat in the backseat of the Dodge when my Dad drove, never in the front seat beside him. It was safer there when he ran over the dogs that wandered onto the road.

Balm (excerpt)

11801180 views00 comments00 favs

my second language / to silence / plainsong of / the breast

The Heart Jar

776776 views1414 comments88 favs

The diner on the corner is one of those Disneyfied modern cut-outs trying to mimic the actual thing but failing utterly. The street, a vein of hipness running through an Ivy League campus that is still trying to cling to a time when it all meant something