by Kirsty Logan
you're tight, but
there are lines between a schoolboy
and listening. it's not
winter, so unbury yourself
from the silt and give me some seal love.
listen, squirrel boy,
I've got a man
like fondue, a man in black shoes. I don't want
to know about
your deepest darkest.
you wrecked someone else's garden to bring me flowers
but you still
make me melt
from the knees
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74 words
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NaPoWriMo, Day 11.
So many surprising lines here: there are lines between a schoolboy
and listening. it's not
winter, so unbury yourself
from the silt and give me some seal love.
I really sound in phrasings throughout the piece, Kirsty. A very internalized landscape. Good writing.
"you wrecked someone elses garden to bring me flowers" these words are the stuff of greatness! Kirsty your poetry moves me.
I really like the voice here. It's fearless and playful and interesting:you wrecked someone else's garden to bring me flowers.Good stuff. More.
Wow! Kirsty, this one makes ME melt from the knees. Fave.
Good one.
you wrecked someone ele's garden to bring me flowers.