His long black lashes stir, flutter a wink. His eyes catch yours through the dark reflection of your face, illuminated from beneath by wavering candlelight. Reflection obscures his features; they become yours.
The man was a novice at adultery, paranoid, disaster hanging over his head like a cartoon anvil.
The gun sits quietly in the woman's handbag.
The world was a secret, an umbrella for even greater secrets.
unbury yourself from the silt and give me some seal love.
by the time he's moves onto knives, she has appeared in next door's window: sliver of nut-pale belly, fingers wet with suds, nails painted bright as glitterballs.
Cassie cradles the loaf-sized phone – pinker than any girl – and dials. he's not wearing a hat says the phone and we all scratch our pencils on the boy-list.
Not so long ago, in a place not too far from here, there lived a big boy with big glasses. His name was Horace (after his great-grandfather on his father’s mother’s side), and he loved to watch the stars.
"I need a male friend, and I think I've found one."
Momo told me not to mind her, but I did. At night, after he'd tucked me in, I could hear him on the phone in the living room, talking for a long time. Early this morning he woke me up and gave me my backpack. ‘Put some clothes in here', he said. ‘We're going on a trip.'
Just three or four seconds ago you were in a Power Rangers costume and you needed me to wipe your nose. This is a nice surprise but the transition is awkward and a bit painful.
an elongating boy with butter-yellow flecks in his eyes, and skin patched like a tabby.
All that have changed in me,
I give to you now.
Why did you want a Princess Leia doll
One. He's out of your league, you know, the guy that comes to the tutoring center every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday to help you and the other people in Senora …