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Joe Wheeler

981981 views00 comments00 favs

Bearded massage parlors of dissonance whittle away hours for a few dollars and cents

Starting Over 1974

981981 views33 comments11 fav

Stone-gathering became my job by default. Digging the foundation, trundling the loaded wheelbarrow away from the site, yours.

Seriously Lynched

981981 views44 comments33 favs

And what about: there's this signature dessert at the restaurant where you are eating and it is called DEATH BY CHOCOLATE? And you know it is, because you've had it, and wow.

We Are In Our Thirties Now

981981 views33 comments11 fav

For years, Nina lived in an apartment with furniture that was silver or clear or metallic, she could see her reflection in every surface. She had an enormous television that took up one entire wall of the small living room. She and Anna and Desmond, Nina's downstairs …

specter in transit

981981 views11 comment00 favs

at the front of the bus/ sways a white-veiled woman:/ gnarled hands upon/ a bag of palms,

the Case of the Smelly Rug Adventure

981981 views44 comments33 favs

I didn't know what to do, really, but I had to do something. After all there was no one left to be the real bona fide hero to this story, except for me, the guy who wasn't any kind of a hero at all. I mean I could hardly move an inch, rolled…

My Own Gun

981981 views77 comments55 favs

“What's a slut?”


981981 views11 comment11 fav

His Danger Pistol was out of bullets, his Bag of Tricks was empty, and he wasted his last can of Antimatter back at the lab. All he had was his Charm and his wits. Charm wouldn't last forever, and he'd always come up a little short in the wits department.


981981 views1515 comments77 favs

They wait for me every morningthese two furry four legged catswhen they hear my car,their eyes open wide and they nuzzle each otherin anticipationof the food I bring them


981981 views44 comments00 favs

I'm an artist, baby. We make our own rules.

Times Remembered

981981 views22 comments00 favs

Delightful days spent at the beach. Children building castles; as parents watched waves glistening under the afternoon sunlight. Sanderlings running with beaks down, hoping for a tasty morsel through the ebb and flow of tides. As time went by, briefcases,…

1992, What I Wanted

981981 views33 comments11 fav

I once dreamed of taking a trip to Northumbria with a lover and reading the poem together on the fells.

60 is the new 20

981981 views00 comments22 favs

I once saw a TV commercial that showed a group of Anglo retirees laughing around a card table. The slogan 60 is the new 20 floated beneath their fat, fun-loving heads. My parents are bona fide Baby Boomers. Their lives are build on credit and catchy…


981981 views44 comments33 favs

the sand is hot to walk upon so you must run if caught there w/out footwear. it is like a painter has colored the sea and made parts of it dark blue yet other areas green. little birds jump around the fine grain world and that is when you wonder where they came…

About That Leg

981981 views22 comments22 favs

I could have said no. I should have said no. Prudence, however, was not in the air. Fourteen minutes later I am at the door of his condo a few blocks from Pier 39. Twenty minutes later I have wriggled into his extra wetsuit and am following him on his wif

Joel, I'm Not A Concept

981981 views00 comments00 favs

Email flash: Kate Winslet is separated hope wells in dry souls

Alternate Tale

981981 views22 comments22 favs

Suppose Eve, strolling through the sunlit Garden, had not stumbled on that particular Tree at all, the wily serpent twined in its lower branches?

Bean Bag Chair

981981 views44 comments22 favs

Up to the loft we went, shedding clothes all the way. No one is home, but the place smells like the fresh cookies my mom had made before she left. It's dark and my lips hit his…

Bringing a New Poet into Your Home

981981 views66 comments33 favs

You may want to pretend to leave once or twice, peeking in through a window from a darkened room, to see how they interact. Never leave a new poet unattended with the pack until you’ve determined that the new arrival has learned to fit in with the other w

The Meaning of Salvation

980980 views66 comments44 favs

I descend to my grave / where I will unbend / until the Coming of Christ

Queens and Kings

980980 views22 comments33 favs

I underline the passages Momma does in her Bible and circle the same words she does, of the oil Samuel uses to anoint David...

Mockingbird, Mockingbird

980980 views33 comments22 favs

I remember when I first came to California, I heard a mockingbird sitting in a tree, calling out in the names of other birds. It was down in L.A. I was staying at my brother's house in San Gabriel and driving in every day to the campus at UCLA to go to s

Another Dream

980980 views99 comments77 favs

“I fly in my dreams,” his mother said. “It's my privilege.”


980980 views44 comments44 favs

the view is breathtaking here.

Worst. Party. Ever.

980980 views33 comments11 fav

"The food tastes kind"

There There There

980980 views1515 comments88 favs

i hear the boom boom boom in the room room room

Max & Julia

980980 views44 comments00 favs

I heard the basketball hitting the pavement in the park across the street, right outside our window... I heard it every day in an evenly spaced rhythm, as if it was keeping time, like a metronome on my life...

Low down dirty fame.

980980 views55 comments33 favs

I admit it ... I started writing when I was completely depressed. When I had nothing else to do than just sit back, relax, feel bad and wait until the hurricane slowly passed by (luckily there were few casualties).I thought I was an exception ... but a lot of…

Lost Boy - Excerpt from Single Stroke Seven

980980 views22 comments22 favs

“How long you been waiting around?” he asks as he pockets my soggy ten-dollar bill. “For a jump or break in life?” I ask. He smirks. “I hear that.”

In an authentic Irish pub in Las Vegas

980980 views55 comments55 favs

In an authentic Irish pub in Las Vegas where over much crowd noise the three of us are discussing Yeats, Joyce and Lady Gregory. We’re in an Irish pub after all, plus the fact we’re literature profs attending a Vegas academic conference.