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My sister, Bonnie, is busy with the dishes as I enter the kitchen; I toss the mail I was sorting through onto the table and look around for Sophie, my four-year-old daughter. "Bonnie, isn't she ready…


12341234 views1111 comments77 favs

... he led what might be called a quiet life


12341234 views77 comments77 favs

He laughs and runs just like the other boys even though he doesn’t have a father now, just his mom.

Cinnamon Doughnuts and a Neenish Tart

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Mr Robertson chuckled gently as he caught the aroma of freshly cooked cinnamon doughnuts and watched the oil leave its fingerprints.

Girma Dali - Chapter 2

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This is Chapter 2 of my serialzied novel Girma Dali. The title character reflects upon his youth and the young boy, Benga, who mentored him into adolescence.

We do not make the most of situations

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We do not say the phrases that would smooth things over.

Boys Who Do the Bop (from The New Yorker)

12331233 views22 comments00 favs

Enid closes her bedroom door when she changes her clothes but leaves it ajar when she's doing her face; is she hoping some small talk might reach her dainty ears?

Maxims (Part 1) Taken from Twitter - Iain James Robb

12331233 views1717 comments22 favs

You can tend to recognise the difference between a good and mediocre mind by observing how each reacts to a misfired original idea.The mediocre mind will praise the merely meretricious, but ignore the more interesting bad art. The higher mind will value the misfired…


12331233 views44 comments33 favs

You think about the first time you saw an axe

The Burning of Deyrolle or Losing Hugh

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Deyrolle, established by the granddaughter of Jean–Babtiste Deyrolle, to house his scientific debris became a Paris fixture. A museum masquerading as a store and when casually mentioned in HG or when it was discovered that David Sedaris was an aficionado

Herself, Alone

12331233 views99 comments55 favs

"In the world of imagination, all things belong. If you take that on faith, you may be foolish, but foolish like a trout." Richard Hugo

A House Burning

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There won't be dancing, anymore. That isn't true, that can't be true; but there is no floor to dance on, you know?

On A Highway Somewhere

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When I think about love, I actually think about life. And when I think about that, I wonder if we’re really who we used to be.


12331233 views22 comments11 fav

Six thousand dollars was a small price for a man's life. Mario was in the back seat of the Honda with Johnny next to him handcuffed, all tense. Francisco had it on a rap station, the sort of music that gave Mario a headache.

Wounded Animal Songbook

12331233 views66 comments44 favs

I pull into the parking lot and see a group of roosters squawking and trying to overturn an ‘87 Pontiac Bonneville that's caught fire. They're pouring whiskey down their throats. They're weeping over a bag of economy sized frozen breast fillets.

tears, et cetera

12331233 views66 comments66 favs

ghosts are local plagues/of unexpended grief—tears/can't be bodiless.


12331233 views99 comments99 favs

not every punishment proceeds / without a hitch


12331233 views1010 comments33 favs

Through the window, I see the police. Lots of them, trampling down the blackberry brambles. Something reeks.

prima vera

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a road moment

All of Me

12331233 views99 comments99 favs

They sat before the fire and played cribbage. He was a good player, but not as good as she was.

Brain Cleaning & Repair

12331233 views77 comments77 favs

You've been given some really cruel thoughts that are not your own.You've been given some really stupid sets of rules which are impossibleto follow. You can learn to manage for yourself. Remember who youwere before they told you who you were. You've been trainedsince birth…


12331233 views99 comments77 favs

a girl with wolves, dogs and a bear

The Moral of This Story Is

12331233 views88 comments77 favs

Always take the train.


12331233 views22 comments22 favs

During the audit...

Carpe Tempus

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Now all I have left is yesterdays.

Dream(ed) Life

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From room to room, neither closet nor drawer contained any remnant of pleasant memory.

Big Hot Day

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There is an emotion out there I can feel it already in me swimming around in my blood like a big hot postulation. Like a big hot hand of light.

Meeting Adjourned

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Once a month I fuck the boss. It’s not part of my job description. We have a meeting in her office, after thirty minutes she opens the door to what appears to be a storeroom but is actually a well-appointed fuck chamber ...


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Bert also said that somebody else at the meeting was complaining about his high blood pressure, and Bert repeated what Hank had said, that he was glad to have any blood pressure at all.

Aguilas Range

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When I was thirteen and still lived in the desert I saw a ghost woman at the top of a dry waterfall in the foothills.