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10411041 views11 comment11 fav

years later, she won’t go near the trees

How To Be A Body

641641 views11 comment00 favs

There's no place like here, this massive legume. Smell the wingéd cold and the wretched streets and the sun that shines through you like a rosy bloom. Don't feel entitled to anything, because you're not. For God's sake (and yours) don't get caught in the caul.The…


10371037 views11 comment11 fav

you said, 'watch it. i am the mountain,' so i aimed 'pause' at the VCR and believed. shook my legs, tangled your red silk to hold back the tremor. in the dream i did not kiss you, but in this story i do and it breaks

The Funeral

965965 views11 comment11 fav

There aren’t requirements, only expectations. I’m writing this, because, at the time it happened it seemed strange to me. People might think I’m writing because now, it makes sense, right? It doesn’t, I’ll tell you that much. I’ll also tell you what i

New Routine

954954 views11 comment11 fav

It was time to leave.

Lose the Baggage

10291029 views11 comment22 favs

I could be dead wrong.


896896 views11 comment11 fav

You can tell Noah hates his job and stares off into space not thinking of birds or land anymore or the stars just that wide wide water that won’t go away and why in the vast flooded damned world he was the one w

The Nielsens (part one)

15121512 views11 comment11 fav

I am one one millionth of a ratings point. A little flash of electronic blue against the wall of an otherwise unlit upstairs room at night. Walk by on the sidewalk feeling lonely, then see that harsh spark of indigo spring from the dark window above and

The Loam

11911191 views11 comment11 fav

From above we see the trampled grass circling the house. Trampled grass from where half starved alligators circled the house, hissing and issuing low moans. Half starved alligators deranged by the red skies circled the house in the late August of the last year. Beginning in…

Lire's Children, After the Swans

10521052 views11 comment11 fav

our eyes misted white as goatskin

Any Given Recent Day

11401140 views11 comment11 fav

Ten-year-old Bobby Akins learned that a shotgun shell struck on its brass end with a hammer can indeed take out the left eye of an eight-year-old brother observing the proceedings close by.


709709 views11 comment11 fav

The boxes were unusually flaccid that morning, because of the humidity and the bad weather. The glue wasn’t sticking, and the integrity of the boxes, no matter how thick, were beginning to fail.

The Dock

942942 views11 comment00 favs

Row, Caps of white, A salted escape beneath reflected light. Brother, remember those old lies? I’m off to sea to make those things right, now.


802802 views11 comment22 favs

i try/to get/up but you prove/your strength.

A mostly true story about a swine flu shot, with references to 3 ABC television shows and 1 Will Smith movie

11001100 views11 comment00 favs

Yellow tape marks a walkway that was previously unknown. Caution, caution. Lounge turned waiting room for a ballroom turned infirmary. An entrance, an exit, caution, caution. The line is of amusement park ride length. But no roller coaster at the end, only an antidote…

Highway Robbery

11901190 views11 comment00 favs

I knew her face but not her hair, at least not the right way up.

Inner Demons

943943 views11 comment22 favs

Every soul has a shadow.Last night, I saw mine. I saw greed,with his sticky, gnarled fingers,seizing the tablecloth of a grand feast,indifferent(or conveniently oblivious)to his starving loved ones. I saw ingratitude,with her proud, scornful …

Pointing Fingers.

791791 views11 comment11 fav

She burns her wrists with menthols; she says it's too much effort to cut them. Besides, it's more fun.

The Hunger of the Waxing Moon

911911 views11 comment11 fav

I took advantage of a free period this afternoon to nap. When I awoke, I tasted blood. My tongue was swollen. I checked myself in the mirror and saw twin punctures on my lower lip with pinpricks of blood on each. I winked at my reflection and lifted my li


11961196 views11 comment11 fav

What? No, no, where did my world go? I was in the middle of… something. What's going on? What's stroking my face?


12321232 views11 comment00 favs

“What I really want to know is, why is a straight guy called Caspar opening a lesbian leather bar in Berlin anyway?” Shona asked. “Schöneberg must really be going to the dogs.”

If You See Something, Say Something

10741074 views11 comment11 fav

You think there’s a chance the bag could be holding a severed head, or live or dead kittens.

Gorging on a Diet of Words

10301030 views11 comment11 fav

After years of unsustainable binge spending and a global economic semi-meltdown, most people have had to cut back on their expenses. Many folks are struggling to make do in this new and bewildering economy and we are all learning to live on our means, rather than beyond…

Friday Out

10151015 views11 comment33 favs

Seeing her in black / with his arm around her / from the other side / of a glass door. / He gave her a beer. / She might’ve been thirsty, / uncomfortable.

Steve Jobs in Hell

16551655 views11 comment11 fav

Everyone asks that question. The short answer is: he brought it on himself.


988988 views11 comment00 favs

Beyond the parrots and the palms, she can see an airplane resting in the canyon below, belly up, wings like outstretched arms, the occupants inside presumably rotting in their seats.

6.5 in Eureka

719719 views11 comment00 favs

Everything moved. I ran outside.

Wounded Knee

13631363 views11 comment11 fav

“They picked me up in their spaceship about noon,” Austin Grantham says to me while pulling up an apple crate to use as a stool.

The Widow Teasdale and the Ineffable Warmth of Personal Services

11301130 views11 comment11 fav

Her cash. It smelled like seven-dollar-a-quart gardenia perfume and cave aged cheese—like hope overgrown with mildew.

Driving in Jeddah

789789 views11 comment00 favs

In suburban Jeddah magnificent houses on every corner of the avenues are surrounded by high walls rising up from just inside the roadside curb to much beyond taller than a man.