Stories tagged writing


931931 views88 comments77 favs

Did you really think you were going to cure cancer with that poem?

Fragment from a Paper Story

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While Leif was still very young, his emotions were very easy to read, for they appeared on his parchment coloured skin, named in his mother's writing. When he was seventeen, Leif fell in love. She was a pretty maid, one of the college servants who kept his…

Zen and the Art of Enjoying the Last Laugh

14791479 views66 comments55 favs

What doesn't kill you gives you great material.

Best Skill

154154 views77 comments33 favs

Ordinary guy. A wannabe. Aims high...


164164 views55 comments55 favs

As it is with bees—so too with words. On your journey across the blank page, you travel hard all morning with no thought of the family you left behind or your final destination.

What I Wish They Told Me

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There are no life callings


11691169 views55 comments55 favs

if it were a child/ it would be in first grade this year


15821582 views77 comments88 favs

for a handful of weeks/ my father took me to/ the college of art and design/ downtown/ where i took drawing lessons./

Being Old is No Place for Sissies

15451545 views88 comments66 favs

My natural blonde hair is no longer sultry. Instead of a Dietrich look, I now assume a dead on impression of Bette Davis in "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane" some mornings.

Because it is Summer

132132 views77 comments77 favs

Then sings the Bird-Who-Prays. She mumbles softly asking forgiveness for all the sinners of the world and food for all the hungry children. He knows as well as she, she has long since lost her faith and only sings out of habit.


972972 views22 comments11 fav

His voice isn't familiar but his words are. He says he knows we haven't spoken in years and apologizes for it. I can hear him pacing on the other end of the line, tapping things and then a shriek of glass shattering. Really, I tell him, no need to…

The Hazards of Language

204204 views55 comments33 favs

Funny, how a preoccupation with words can make you fret, can make you fumble.

Typewriter Holes

171171 views2020 comments1717 favs

After a quick lunch of baby carrots and iceberg lettuce I sipped down the road to the liquor store and stocked up on a dozen bottles of Old Rasputin and a copy of the "Irish Times."

The Sky Suffocated

115115 views66 comments88 favs

In the night the rain made gentle, the flood still far off, and downstairs on the dining-room table the centerpiece collected dust as the hours passed.

Waiting, Softly Crooning

141141 views1010 comments88 favs

She sat adjacent to the bottle of Rioja, half-consumed, and as the week passed the dust settled on her like the faintest covering of snow.