Stories tagged sex

Patricide: A Romance

107107 views00 comments00 favs

Your sister sucked on pong balls. Her machine sucked.

X, Chapter 2: Min

515515 views1212 comments66 favs

She felt like every cell in her body was vomiting, like everyone in the coffee shop was talking about what a failure she had become, like her lungs were filled with charcoal dust and blood.


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Howard needed to finish this time. As his marriage slid further down the sinkhole toward divorce, it was important to him that his affair be successful.

“Adrien Brody,” Adrien Brody, and Adrien Brody’s Nose: A Response to Tao Lin’s Response to “Tumblr ‘Shit-Talking’”

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Here is “Adrien Brody” through a Freudian lens: Calloway wanted to fuck her father. She flew to New York City to fuck a version of her father who has a name similar to an actor with an interesting nose and a lot of talent. Neither Calloway nor the actor n


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Terry sat there in the dirt, suddenly realizing he was thirsty and started to shuffle on his rear towards a mini fridge hooked up to a generator. He opened it and pulled out a Capri-Sun.

Beach Tale

857857 views11 comment11 fav

I should have worn shorts.

Hotel Khadijah

18021802 views2727 comments1616 favs

"A prostitute of the Hotel Khadijah in Rahab fell in love with my father...."

Cry Wolf

14581458 views2222 comments1010 favs

"You are wolves circling, eyes burning in the dark...."

Chrome Bumpers

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I could feel my whole body clench when she walked into the room wearing nothing but a clear plastic rain slicker, a pair of my white briefs, and red rubber boots. She said she liked to do it in the rain with the lightning lighting up her face. It was late, pouring…

Oh, Clyde. I must be your Bonnie.

15901590 views1515 comments1212 favs

This is the best kind of crime scene. Spattered like gore from gunshots, I'm left covered in trace evidence.

X, Chapter 5: Sense and Insensibility

353353 views33 comments33 favs

And, despite Min’s best efforts, they talked about Dad. Ruthie cried. Min wouldn’t. It was his fucking decision. But listening a few minutes longer to her sister, whose voice wobbled with the panic and despair of the discarded, she found herself crying fo

Full Frontal Shameful Replication of Incorrect Anatomy

11691169 views22 comments22 favs

I look down at my free of clothing genitalia and curiously note that the testicles sprout from above my erect penis, and my scrotum is so taut, hard and shriveled as to conjure squished images of a gigantic pink peanut.


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Like a hotel detective searching for semen stains on the opposite side of the mattress, she turned the rag over several times, holding it out several inches from and above her face.

Debtor's Prison

12721272 views1515 comments1212 favs

You should have marked that territory like a conquistador, mounted him like an equestrian, left no what-ifs in your wake.

I Hear Music Coming From Everywhere

8888 views44 comments33 favs

There is sex, somewhere. Somewhere it is there, hovering and then landing, silent and then singing, singing loud, singing almost as loud as the sun.