Stories tagged sex

X, Chapter 6: Politeness rituals, Punnett Squares, Pavlov & the Plan

412412 views44 comments22 favs

"Isn’t a world where we are made up of mostly empty space and magnetic fields and that time and space warps around us magical enough?"

Missing Piece

3737 views55 comments00 favs

I tell myself to go back to my room, forget about the Bugs Bunny puzzle. I disobey myself


131131 views1212 comments77 favs

Sex, though...yes, I had some of that

X, Chapter 10: X-Men 137

353353 views88 comments33 favs

Snow was melting in buckets and rivulets carried water over winter-beaten brick, concrete, and asphalt. Walking down the glistening sidewalk with his girl next to him, Alex felt as if he had emerged into a world flushed by some momentous change: a victory

Hattie Hanratty Does the Previously Unthinkable

13531353 views66 comments33 favs

"Hattie? What are you doing?" Bosley asked, the quaver in his voice an indication of an impending erection.


125125 views77 comments33 favs

Because his mother is Catholic and he may be, too, subliminally.

Divorcing Delia

11711171 views99 comments66 favs

I held her hand through two divorces, I warned her that gorgeous Geoffrey was homosexual when she was oblivious, and I fed her children when she was off at rehab (four times before it 'took').

X, Chapter 11: Zzsst, pop, crack

344344 views55 comments33 favs

A tremor ran through her and then a fizz, like circuits misfiring in her brain: Zssst. Pop. Crack. Things flashed in blue and red and yellow on the inside of her eyelids, but when she opened her eyes, Alex's bedroom was still dark

Party at my Place

11311131 views77 comments22 favs

My vagina invites you to a party Whenever your time frees up Or now, Now would be better

Business As Usual

9494 views1919 comments88 favs

A fly flew around the dining room, teased by the stagnant scent of yesterday's pork roast and fried zucchini.

For The Raven

126126 views1717 comments1111 favs

What’s left to do, but ride shotgun on the passenger side & remark upon incidental points of interest along the way?

X, Chapter 13: Speak

334334 views33 comments33 favs

Mom was standing under the small archway between the kitchen and the living room, holding a mug of coffee in her hand. Since the chemo, her skin seemed to have evaporated, the blue and green of her veins were vivid through the cellophane of her skin.

So, Good

699699 views00 comments00 favs

It’s good to get fucked in the rain. It’s good to get fucked in the back seat of a power boat on a river in the hot summer air with the mosquitos sucking the life out of you. It’s good to get fucked with your bare back rubbing up against the rough bar

You're All Knuckles

10501050 views22 comments11 fav

Her eyeballs are made of fur, like plush little bumblebees at home in her sockets.

Chapter 14: Infinite Future Marie Antoinettes

343343 views44 comments33 favs

Min’s skin was still so hot, goose-bumpled and engorged with blood, and as sensitive to touch as the tip of her tongue