Powers of artistic emotion, come to my aid!
From the earth it erupts
Growing longer, stronger, as the sun rises and sets
Days and nights pass, bringing the wind, the rain, the moon, the stars
A place of shelter it becomes
I see you’re wearing your tablecloth top again
your tablecloth dress to impress me
and distress me with all your tablecloth positions
for your luncheons on the grass
with all your famous friends
who found you on your ass
Yes we can
like the Bible in / Mauritania, like a mouse in a vial of ammonia, / like a retired coal miner on vacation in the Alps
where love and hate stand slow-dancing in the shadows
The weight of my heart dragged me in dangerous directions.
It was the third day that she looked Across his naked face...
Why do I love you? The monster that you are?
I love you for revealing to me my strength
My determination, my will
My need to survive
I love you for showing me the gift that is living
The story of the black pen drawing a dark hole
makes everything seem so elaborate and obscure.
Or even a seven-year-old leading police
on a wild car chase to avoid church.
Or naming a new band Fuchsia,
which looks like the beginning of an
we wipe the blood of our progress
from our hands.
Living lower on the hog than anticipated
lower on the hog than previously expected
lower on the hog than desired
Living on the underside of the hog belly
pretty much bouncing on the ground
beneath the aforementioned hog belly
Living clos
The crackling inferno sweeps across the ground
Devouring all in its scorching path
I hear
the shriek
of the Laughing Lady
I am my beloved’s Advil and
she is my Aleve