The crackling inferno sweeps across the ground
Devouring all in its scorching path
Leaving behind the remains of once-long grasses, wild blooms and wilful weeds
Stripping the earth bare to the bone
And not once looking back
Or feeling an ounce of remorse
Yet, all is not lost…
For once the smoky blanket has lifted
And the winds have taken away that which is not anchored or determined to stay
The rains will fall, quenching the thirst of this parched land
The sun will stretch out its arms to warm and entice
And new life will surface
With a will to survive
And bear fruit
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The meaning of 'Veld' - (noun) "elevated open grassland in southern Africa" ... my beautiful home continent. Patches of veld are particularly prone to fires in the winter time due to dry conditions. The blazes leave behind blackened expanses of land everywhere, until the rains come in the spring, and the grasses grow once more.
I love nature and I love the way you've portrayed it here. (I did know the word "veld" but had to check it because I thought it was spelled "veldt" which seems to be acceptable.) Really nice work.
Yes, both ways are acceptable, but I find that adding the 't' softens the word somewhat - which detracts from the relatively harsh environment that a veld is, you know? Plus, it's the way we had to spell it all through school, so it's stuck :>
I really like this form, Kerry. Great piece. Good approach to imagery in a small space.