Stories tagged poetry


851851 views00 comments00 favs

Slowly, she eased me into my place where I melted into the dark seat

Om Mani Padme Hum

1616 views00 comments00 favs

Now I lay ...

Waffle House Worker Survives Wild Ride on Car Hood

917917 views22 comments00 favs

After three teens took off without paying and he clung to the hood of their car He wasn’t trying to be a hero sandwich or otherwise but climbed onto the hood when they tried to run him over There was some question and dispute over th

Monsieur, Monsieur, Nous Avon Pamplemousse!

10911091 views77 comments00 favs

He came running out of his narrow little shop, Berthillon and chased me down the Ilse St. Louis street, saying, “Monsieur, Monsieur, nous avon pamplemousse! It’s ici, Monsieur. Your pamplemousse. They just come in this matin, morning and I’


8282 views22 comments11 fav

when water is not enough

A Bum and his Shopping Cart, Giving Up his Ways

10101010 views44 comments11 fav

A bum leaves his shopping cart in the middle of the intersection at 7th Ave and Perry St and walks away leaving everything behind Shopping cart gets hit by an onslaught of yellow taxis whizzing by The contents flying out into the hum

Iris of Our Eye

3030 views11 comment00 favs

Iris, take us back We’ll live in the corner like mice We’ll live with our suitcases tucked under our wings like termites Iris of our eye we want to move back to your apartment on the ground We promise not to leave or wander

World Trade Center

952952 views66 comments11 fav

I can feel the souls of those who perished here They’re still here like old kites hanging in the sky tattered, but they won’t come down or can’t come down just yet because they haven’t fulfilled their unborn promises t

Lost and Found

808808 views11 comment00 favs

Adrienne found her calling in Africa feeding poor children or whatever the fuck you do when you're in the Peace Corps.

My Wife's Dream

954954 views88 comments11 fav

He was a Jack Russell terrier hanging like a baby in a carrier strapped to my chest He had all four legs wrapped around me and was licking me with his long tongue I asked him what his name was, and in a real low voice he said Min

Man Wolfing Banana In His Car

5353 views22 comments00 favs

Man wolfing banana in his car as an Asian girl walks by with bare shoulders showing cleavage his head following her until it’s twisted 180 degrees then he opens a container of juice, does 3 quick Hail Marys signs of the cross w

Sunday Morning

153153 views99 comments55 favs

Six/Sex The day he was served with divorce papers in the driveway...

The Return of the Sixties

1717 views00 comments00 favs

He looks like he’s fallen out of heaven with all his stuff kicked back on Telegraph Ave amidst all his worldly possessions asleep in the midst of it all like a softball in an old mitt worn out but unable to fully let

Silence for my sins

4848 views22 comments11 fav

It was easy to blame God for my errors.He said he understood.He told me I could pray to him if I wanted to bitch,Whenever I felt the need.God's complaint hotline?At first I prayed to him every day.At first he answered kindly.I was obsessed;Ignoring his FAQ's passed down in…

Poet Found Living Near Berkeley!

888888 views11 comment11 fav

Reports have been spreading fast that an actual living poet has been found right outside the borders of Berkeley Rumors grew into a wildfire of speculation Saturday night when one of them a tall graying older specimen more or less in the