Stories tagged poetry


124124 views22 comments33 favs

A mutiny of voices, enclosed. The sing-song of verse, the steady drone of prose.


943943 views77 comments33 favs

Spring show its populist face, Flies in the house, missionaries at the door...

Back East

977977 views55 comments33 favs

Could even drift off to New Orleans for a slow sip of a hurricane

Here Comes the Sun

13061306 views1717 comments1313 favs

She lies on her stomach by the side of the pool staring into her towel. On her back, I can make out a pastel isthmus, surgery's pink art or charlatan's scab, I can't tell which. She is beautiful as rare roast beef is beautiful.

Flame Thrower

497497 views1212 comments77 favs

It was 2:00 in the afternoon on Tuesday, July 11, 1959. I was sitting in the air-conditioned Capitol Theater watching Gregory Peck in Pork Chop Hill.

Transferable Skills

200200 views22 comments22 favs

People always want other people to break down, fall apart...

There is no time

6868 views22 comments11 fav

Now, as I gaze into the deep...deep blue, a reflection of the universe unfolds and I am released of all my bonds with the earth.


240240 views22 comments22 favs

Imagine the color when you close your eyes and stare at the sun. Then, crush it into a tiny ball, the size of your fist.

One Way (for Tina Kieffer)

10671067 views55 comments33 favs

This mother, she buys a one way ticket whenever she visits her three daughters who have wandered far from the eyes of her pearlescent knitting needles and tutti-frutti yarns.


12721272 views2020 comments1515 favs

over tea & saltineshe read melike an obituary


992992 views55 comments55 favs

this bleeding sun, clove studded & seedless

In tidal relief

11651165 views1313 comments1111 favs

the world slips under the waves

early spring

951951 views77 comments66 favs

the late snow, though not welcomed...

Incoming/Outgoing (w/one tweak)

7979 views1414 comments44 favs with nasal drip, manage odor--

Sounds like leaving

11001100 views1414 comments1111 favs

chains across all the old doors