Stories tagged poetry


729729 views00 comments00 favs

Part I I look down at the milk soaked, fabricated, Bits of synthetic nutrition and The feeling comes over me. I race down the highway in my gas guzzling, Smog belching, status symbol and still The feeling overtakes me. I look at my precious offspring, I see…

Hank and Nettie

8484 views88 comments33 favs

You're the kind of manmamma warned me about —always with the sexy smirkand your hand metaphoricallyin the honey pot when it'snot handing some chickher fourth dirty martini or,no, I take that back — especiallywhen you're handing her thatfourth drink because you…

I Love Us

32303230 views1616 comments1313 favs

I'd kill a gas attendant in Playa Del Mar. You'd read stained romance novels in motel rooms, while I oiled the gun and laughed on the phone, to no one.

Beach Scene

11821182 views1212 comments88 favs

Larry works the concession stand / near the pier.

The World Has Let Me Down

13781378 views33 comments55 favs

My mother and I are close We talk like friends I tell her about people I'm dating She gets excited for me And she asks how it's going When I tell her I think I'm gay She says nothing She does not ask about the woman I am seeing She does not ask how I am doing …


13151315 views22 comments22 favs

My therapist told me I have post traumatic stress disorder My uncle had that He fought in the war I guess I fought in my own kind Not between countries Between children and father Between husband and wife Between addiction and sobriety When my father got…

7 years for us

11751175 views77 comments44 favs

The stain upon / many others cannot be discerned.


347347 views00 comments00 favs

The bon-voyagers and the locked-in garagers...


467467 views22 comments00 favs

i was driving in my car today restlessly and imagined that i swam across the ocean to see you i would deem both of these actions as ways to assure my death in a grisly yet romanticized manner i want to…

Political Science

77 views44 comments00 favs

We know the big one is out there


11141114 views00 comments00 favs

From Berlin to Arcturus. I squeeze Sevigny’s wrist, wish Izzy could be here, but she’s melting salt in Utah. We were on our way to Los Angeles. I’ve booked the horror room.


12201220 views55 comments33 favs

papaya over-ripe displayed on the half with spoons sticking out - ” very ripe, tastes good “ blue crabs cooked with lavender i was sniffing a spoonful when the chef came out

“I Knew What I Wanted”

88 views22 comments00 favs


Ice Chips

4646 views00 comments00 favs

Wanting both, you softly moaned, Ice chips, ice chips.

I'm From Electric Peak, MT

400400 views88 comments44 favs

"baby, I'd like to put your face on a hot air balloon and release you up into the sky."